Chapter 1 -Back again

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The sound of a heart beating was the first thing I became aware of. Most would be shocked and distressed at this odd awakening. They would be asking themselves questions like: Where am I? What am I doing here?, and most importantly, how did I end up here. Those were the questions I asked myself the first time this whole debacle happened to me but since I have lost count of how many times it has happened. I started by trying to remember how I died this time.

October 30, 1924, Room 81 of the Mobal D-R st.Cherkezov hospital,Veliko Tarnovo,Bulgaria

The newly widowed Aneliya Violetta Bellarosa née Nankrov was lying on a hospital bed midwives surrounded her encouraging her to push a little harder.

"The baby's almost here Miss Bellarosa"

"Just a bit more" 

 "you're doing so well"

"continue the good work"

A piercing scream echoed through the room as the soon-to-be mother pushed one last time.

The room then became silent with the exception of the mother's heavy laboured breaths.

"It's a girl" the senior midwife finally declared

"and a beautiful one at that " added another.

"have you seen her eyes they are stunning"

" I have never seen a newborn baby as beautiful as this one"

"She will be a beautiful witch when she grows up"

As the younger nurses continued to gush over the child's unparalleled beauty, the senior midwife gave the child to her mother. Aneliya looked into her child's mesmerizing grey eyes that reminded her of her late husband's eyes as the nurse asked her 

"What is her name, Your highness"

"Ilyana, Her name is Princess Ilyana Amarta Stella Nankrov Morgan Bellarosa"

And I will take the world by storm the baby added silently in her head.


A/N: I am slowly editing the story and I have just finished upgrading this chapter. Tell me if you have any critiques. I hope you enjoy the story.

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