Part 3

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Rawr scary things and angst in this chapter
    i had calmed down and listen to the footsteps and doors slamming. Soon they got to the room i first went into and looked around. I wasnt that far from the hole to get in here. So i held my breath and prayed they wouldnt find me.

    "Naughty naughty, hidey hide. We will find you" moon said. I had an escape route right behind where i was hiding currently. I head them shuffling around before i heard something hit the wall. The painting rattled and then popped.

    i got scared and backed into more into the hole and watched. I saw a slight red glow in the tunnel, a slight jingle, and then a hand. He emerged from the hall and i ran. He heard my shoes and turned towards the sound chasing after me. I twisted and turned through the walls, hearing the mechanical clanking.

    getting scared i started crying and soon started yelling at him. "Please! P-please stop chasing me! Your- your scaring me!" I saw an exit through another painting, or at least i thought was another painting. I leaped out of it and crashed into another tall metal animatronic. It happened to be monty this time.

     he restrained me and i screamed i started pushing hitting and kicking him. I desperately wanted to get away and i did just that. I kicked him between the legs and ran for it. I ran to the theater. Going down into the utility tunnels i ran and ran to an office. they were hot on my tail gaining on me until i went into the office and closed the doors.

    i backed away from the door they were at. They were banging and telling me to open up so they can help me. I yelled back no and covered my ears. I hit the wall and slid down it crying and saying no. They stopped as moon looked through the window.

    "listen if we just wait it out the power will go off and then-" power shuts off. The doors open and reveal them to me and me to them. There was only one door so i couldnt leave. I started pressing myself against the wall looking scared and still crying.

    they started shifting closer, moon crouching to not seem as tall, and holding his hand out. "Hey. Hey, little prince/princess. Its okay darling, we aren't gonna hurt you i promise." Moon said softly. Monty chimed in saying, "y/n let us help you please."

    i shook my head and started sobbing, i looked around them trying to find an escape through the door. They knew that and made sure to not let it happen. No. No no no no! This cant be happening i cant be doing this! Im slipping and i cant help it.
*moons POV*
wailing was heard through the room their face shot up and they gave. Running directly to me they cried in my arms.  I wrapped my arms around them and cuddled them, cooing and telling them it was okay.

they nuzzled into me and i lifted them up and held them bridal style. They had their thumb in their mouth and babbled at me. I wiped their tears away. "Were gonna bring you up and into your room okay? Well get you cleaned up and than you are now. " i said calmly and softly.

they nodded and i started walking. Monty followed and soon we reached the side party space near the daycare and opened the door. I set them down and they waddled to the painting. They opened it and motioned me and monty to get in there.

i slipped into the tunnel and then monty tried, he was to big and ended up getting stuck. "Uh im kinda stuck can someone help me?" I heard high pitched giggling from the other side of the wall and started snickering to my self.

i watched as monty got stuck and started giggling. I watched montys tail swing from side to side, i started playing with it and throwing it from side to side. "Hey! Hey! Stop playing with my tail!" He yelled and started swinging it more. I giggled and pulled it. I could hear a slight scream from monty.

moon said that was enough and we ended up pushing monty out of the hole he fell on his back and looked up at the ceiling. I loomed over him with a smile on my face, "how is it on the floor?" I asked. he grunted and shrugged. Moon looked out at both of us and soon an announcement was heard.

the pizzaplex was closing soon. Moon and monty said they had to leave and that theyve been here to long. I waved good bye and they walked off. I went into my little hole and walked to my room. Once i got there i layed down and tried to go to sleep.

*3 hours later*

i woke up to warmth. Wait warmth it was usually cold, and it was all around me, mainly on my sides, i tried to move and found out i was being held down. I turned my head to the side. Yellow. Lots of yellow. I saw spikes and a smile. Puffed up cheeks and wide eyes. It was sundrop, he was right beside me and was staring at me. I screamed and jumped up quickly. Moon and sun were sitting there on my bed looking as if they were wrapped around something, and before that something was me.

"w-what how? WHY ARE YOU GUYS IN MY ROOM?  AND WHY WERE YOU GUYS CUDDLING ME?" I asked. Moon shrugged and sun said "well moon told me where you lived and we both decided we were gonna hang out with you and when we got here you were asleep, so we decided we would cuddle you." I nodded.

moon shifted so that he was on his back, he reached his arm out and yanked me down on top of him. I looked up at him and ended up blushing. He grinned and lifted my head up with his hand. "Darling, your blushing." I blushed more and soon got pulled by my hips to sun "dont keep them all to yourself! I wanna hold the sunshine!" I blushed more and pushed my self off on them. I stood up and looked away.

"sunshine? Are you okay?" "Darling, whats wrong?"

"boys.. we need to talk."
And thats that for this chapter. Sorry for the cliffhanger definitely working on the next one right now.

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