Part 13

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Wow?! Another chapter in a few hours? Amazing! Ik im back and gonna be posting and posting as much as i can

    someone had turned off the lights and i had woken up. I was tied down with zipties and moon and sun were not there.

    i had started to move around and attempted to speak but my mouth had a gag in it. I had successfully broken some of the zipties and got to working on the others. Breaking all of them and taking the gag out of my mouth. I had decided to look out of the balcony and see that there was a child running across the daycare followed by moon.

    i then decided to jump down off the balcony like sun and land into the ball pit. The sound had disrupted moon and he called out to sun to check up on me. Sun had gotten into the ball pit and was getting closer tome before taking a huge leap up into the balcony.

    a loud gasp was heard as he didn't see me and i started moving through the ball pit as fast as i could, i had gotten out before sun had saw me and started advancing toward me. I got out quickly and ran into the structures.

    i was running through one when i bumped into a child. He got scared and scrambled away but saw me. He was wearing a blue polo shit with grey shorts, he had shaggy brown hair and tennis shoes along with a bandaid on his left leg. I was in virtually nothing, only my bra and underwear.

    i hid myself away from him and he was blushing. "..." i said nothing just hiding away. Then i heard moons laugh not that far away and he pulled me, running away from the sound. We got to a hiding place and he said "we got to get all the generators to get out of here." I nodded and said "whats your name, child" he shot me a look and muttered "gregory, and dont call me child." "Okay child, im Y/N ill get the generators on that side you get this side, ill get you out of here" i said in a matter of fact voice, and he nodded.

    i silently slid my way over to the second play structure and effortlessly turned on all of the generators. Then slunk my way to the play structure that gregory. And noted he only had one left that he couldn't find so i found it and the lights turned on.

    (B===========D sorry my boyfriend did that and i have to keep it:)

    he ran to the doors and tried open them when sun had grabbed him and told him he was a rule breaker and kicked him out. I was still in the play structures, and they were actively searching for me.

    when they werent looking i had ran over to the next play structure and hid in there, and the next time i could run, i had moved to the castle. Edging my way to the door, i had finally been spotted. Moon was running towards me and i stared running straight for the door. I had almost ran into it and tried to open it but it was locked. "Shit! No no no no no moon please its me dont do this please" i had started sobbing because he was still bounding toward me.

    he stoped just shy of my form and then grabbed me up. I let out a shrill cry and then moon started dragging me to the middle of the daycare yelling to sun that he had found me. Sun came bounding over to us from behind one of the play structures clapping, happy that moon found me.

    i was already bleeding the cuts from moon on my thigh opening up from being dragged and the now cuts on my arm bleeding. I was crying and pleading with them to leave me alone. They looked at me then at each other and discussed what they were going to do with me.

    they had decided on just locking me in here so that i didnt have a chance to escape basically saying in theirs and i would never leave. I had over heard that and the fact that they were gonna do everything they can to stop me from leaving and i started squirming in moons grasp effectively cutting my self on his claws even more.

    he felt my struggles and bent down to face me. "Your gonna get yourself hurt more than you already are so stop struggling" with that he had gripped me harder digging even deeper into my flesh and making me yell out.

    "youve already made me bleed twice and threw me from the balcony what else could you possibly do to me" i said in a defiant tone. He grabbed my face digging his claws into the sides of my face and grinned at me. I started clawing at his hands as it felt as though he was going to break my skull.

    i started crying more and he stopped. I rubbed the sides of my face smearing blood all along it. "Moon! You have to be gentle with them after all they are ours for eternity" sun said. (Tw metions of sucide and previous attempts plus talking about non com and r@pe.)

    "if you guys are gonna be like this i might as well k!ll myself. I dont want to be around you two with you guys acting like this! Ive already attempted once but failed i will succeed this time!" I stuttered out sobbing slightly. They looked at me with shocked expressions and i looked at back at them. The look i was sending them was of 'im gonna do it'.

    "what happened to the sun and moon that cared for me and destroyed an animatronic when he r@ped me?! I miss them not you guys. Once i get a chance im leaving this wretched place and never coming back!" I yelled at them.

    i saw an internal struggle before they both shut down and started rebooting. I took it as an opportunity to get away. I ran to the big doors and yanked them open. "NO!" I heard both of them yelling as i looked back and then darted off. I wasnt going to my room i was heading straight for the utility tunnels.

    really glad i was given access to everything so i could just show my badge and get through.... i was naked i had nothing. Shit! I gotta find freddy. I ran the other way almost running into sun and moon but dodged them by sliding through moons legs and ducking under suns arms.

The next chapter this is just the beginning.
See ya later lovelies~

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