Part 7

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~really sorry that these chapters didnt get out as soon as thyey were finished and im sorry to keep you waiting. I have been in th blue ridge moutains this whole weekend. I didnt have service but i hope these two chapters are good enough of a make up.

    He set me down and rubbed the back of his mechanical head moving his night cap around. I pulled his head down and gave him a kiss "sunny get your ass down here so i can give you both kisses!"i yelled up at sun. I see him pop out for a minute and then blur as he jumped into the ball pit. He popped out a few of the randomly colored balls flying out with him as he made his way over to us.

    he crouched down beside me with a cheeky grin and then looked at me silently asking for a kiss with pleading eyes. I pulled his face in and gave him a smooch. Then i pulled moon closer so he was crouched just the same as sun and i gave him a kiss switching back and forth giving them both kisses at the same time. They both started blushing like crazy i could hear their fans roar to life as they tried to stop them selves from over heating.

    suns rays were going like crazy each of them shooting down when they came close to my face as not to hit me. Sun was also stimming and sputtering nonsense of im over heating and pleads for me to stop. The same with moon. Sun shaking his fists in balls while moon flapped his hands. They were both shyly smiling and giggling. I stopped after a while of kissing. I pulled their heads to they were facing me. I had given them both a kiss on the lips. They burst out giggling both pulling me into a hug.

    "cuties i love you both." Sun squealed and hugged me tighter while moon sighed a loving sign at me rests his head on top of mine. I sighed in content and cuddled them both.

~le time skip brought to you by moons chuckle~

    the manager had called me into his office and i nervously wandered into his office. What could i have done? Am i in trouble? What if he found out. Was camping out in the pizza plex? Was he going to fire me? What if he moved me- my thoughts were cut off by his greasy voice, "sweet heart ya arnt in trouble we just low on staff." I mustve looked puzzled as he chuckled and explained further, "we movin ya, yer going to take care of the other animatronics and hang out in the main atrium."

    I shook my head in disbelief, "you- you cant move me! I belong at the daycare and since ive been there both sun and moon have been better towards the kids and are just in general better than before!" I slammed my hands down on the desk glaring at the manager, whos name was tony. Tony just looked up at me and then down my shirt. I put my hand on my chest still one on the desk effectively coving my top half from view.

      i continued glaring down at him. He shrugged and said "i cant do anything about it. Ya gotta deal with it for a while. Well move ya back as soon as we get more people but ya gonna have to do this." I huffed and brushed my hair out of my face. "Fine." As soon as i said that a grin came on to his face and he said "HAHA yeah i kew ya could do it." He slapped a big sausage like hand on my back and then pushed me out of the room. Slamming the door closed behind me. I groaned and stomped forward back towards the daycare.

    i could feel tears welling in my eyes as i tried not to cry. I rushed into the daycare, wildly looking amongst the children that payed no mind to me. I was looking for either sun or moon. I couldnt find either of them, so i chose the next thing i could think of, searching for moon. I knew he would be in his usual spot, near the tech corner or the sleep corner. I moved over to the wall and followed it over to where the tech corner was. I froze to the spot as i heard someone yell my name from the main doors. "Y/N YOU NEED TO GET OUT HERE!" The said person yelled. I crumbled i was sitting there sobbing in the corner waiting, just hoping that one of the boys would find me.

    one of the kids ran up to me, "are you Y/N? Mr sun and mr moon told us kids to look for you." I nodded and then the kid started making a weird noise. It seemed like some kinds of signal as sun and moon found their way to me. They thanked the kid told them good job and then told them they could get extra snacks and stay up past bedtime. The kid smiled happily and then ran off.

    they both look over to me and started questioning me, "why are they calling for you? Why are you crying? What happened with the manager?" The load of questions just made me sob more. "Th-their making me move to the atrium im not gonna be able to see you guys any more!" I said whilst crying. Sun had a shocked look on his face, but for moon he came over and comforted me. "Your gonna be able to see us. Remember well be at your room every night." I nodded my head and calmed down.

    "okay well first things first i need to get to my new job." I kissed them both on the forehead and then on the mouth, and started walking to my new job in the atrium. I had always hated the atrium, too noisy and too crowded. I inhaled and made my way to the first counter job i was working.

Hope these two chapters were enough food for you simps i will be posting another one somewhat soon. So just wait and itll be out before you know it.

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