Cousins day out

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(Okay, welcome to the chapter! Don't forget to check out my TikTok and don't kill me for my terrible drawings!!)


(Anyways enjoy and VOTE. Thank youuu!!)

You woke up with a slow blink and rolled out of your bed into the floor with a groan. "I hate morningggsss." You hissed into your hands.

You crawled over to your mirror and climbed through, not bothering to change clothes. You'd forgotten to change clothes when you got into bed anyway so you didn't really care.

Still on your hands and knees you opened a portal and rolled through it with another groan. Moving was hard but breakfast smelt good. Your portal rolled you into the dining room and you lay on the floor needing a few moments to be lazy again.

"Morning!" Antonio said, leaning over your face with a grin. "Good morning Tonio." You mumbled, opening your eyes wider in the shade of his shadow. "Why are you on the floor?" He asked.

"Why are you off the floor?" You replied with a sigh of exhaustion. You suddenly heard laughter and you turned your head, squinting again. You inhaled deeply when you noticed Carlos standing at the door with Camilo.

Camilo stopped laughing and Carlos leaned on the door frame with a smirk. "I'm not even going to ask why you're down there." Camilo said, crouching down next to you. You smiled at him and he leant down, planting a small kill on your forehead.

You blushed and covered your face with your hands. "Stop it I'm tired." You whined, rolling onto your side. Camilo laughed again and stood up. Carlos walked over to behind Camilo and looked over his shoulder.

He draped his arms over Camilo's shoulder, still smirking and you noticed how he was about half a head taller than Camilo. Well he was slouching slightly so he was probably even taller than that.

Camilo pursed his lips slightly and you could tell he still hadn't warmed up to Carlos. Last night you'd offered your spare room to Carlos but Camilo had been very persistent for Carlos to stay in his room instead.

Well, you could definitely appreciate a jealous Camilo but it was a bit pushy to be honest. He probably just needed to get to know Carlos better.

You felt somebody grab you under your arms in the middle of your thoughts and lift you up. You smiled gratefully at Luisa as your feet hit solid ground again.

"Somebody might have stepped on you!" Luisa said with a small grin. "Thanks for worrying." You replied as Camilo shrugged off Carlos and walked over to you.

"Oh also, we're eating outside today." Luisa said, lifting up the table. Antonio laughed as she picked him up with her other hand. A capybara that had been standing next to Antonio waddled after the two cousins as they left.

You turned to look at Camilo and he smiled at you. "We should grab some glasses and follow them." Camilo said. "I'll grab the plates." You replied and you both went over to the cupboards.

Carlos followed you silently and you handed him a handful of cutlery. "Thanks for being useful." You said with a forced smile and Carlos looked at the cutlery. "Not a problem." He said, sweeping a bit of the hair covering his left eye over.

You grabbed a stack of plates and Camilo stood waiting with Carlos, already holding two stacks of cups and glasses in his hands. You all headed outside as Luisa was bringing out the second table for the food.

You all started to set the table and Julieta came out with Agustin. They were both carrying trays and plates of food. You rushed over and took a plate that was slowly slipping off of Agustin's arm.

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