1. Spaghetti And Talk

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Harry was all dressed up to go to his girlfriend's graduation after party, a white button down shirt tucked into pair of black dress pants, his classis boots

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Harry was all dressed up to go to his girlfriend's graduation after party, a white button down shirt tucked into pair of black dress pants, his classis boots. He fixed his hair passing by the mirror just one last time.

His phone dinged which lied face down on the mattress of his double bed, leaving the blazer he picked up his phone to see a text from his girlfriend asking if he have left already. He typed in his quick response, dropping the phone back on his bed picked up his blazer. Slipped his wallet into the back pocket of his pants and headed out.

As soon as he headed out she saw his neighbour fiddling with her door balance a load of things in her hands as she tried to lock the door. Her phone trapped between her ear and her shoulder, a similar graduation gown hung over her arm as she tried to lock her door managing a heap of bags and being scolded at by someone over the call.

"Hey you need any help there?" He asked.

"Oh, thank you, I am fine," she smiled and finally locked the door, catching her phone in her hand she smiled at Harry.

"Busy day at Salon?" He asked, noticing about at least eight paper bags in her hands.

"Oh yes," she nodded, "summer is approaching so it's going to be very crowded."

"I see, have an appointment at your Salon next week," he smiled back.

"Oh see you there then," she seemed to be in hurry

"Yup," he nodded, "you look to be in hurry isn't it almost closing time?"

"I've got to go help with setting up things for tomorrow," she shrugged chuckling, "anyway Sandy will kill me if I am late she was already kind of mad at me on the call as she's got a date tonight, I better get going! You have an amazing night!"

"I will, thank you!" He chuckled seeing her in hurry down the stairs instead of taking the lift, he pressed the button to call up the lift as he wasn't in hurry. The mop of dyed red hair disappeared right in front of him.

The lady who lived in the flat next door was her Grandmother and the girl came to see her almost everyday, it was frequent until the lady passed away. Harry made pretty good friends with the girl over the time though. YN was the name of the girl who rushed in hurry past him, she was the crazy one who dyed her hair a new colour every other month. She said she was going to take care of her Grandmother's hair Salon in London after which made sense of her constantly experimenting with her hair, she also worked there to help her mum. She is very sweet and humble though she come from a rich family, her grandma who owned a very well known Salon in the country.

Harry liked her, in fact the tiny attraction he's had towards her. Perhaps an itty-bitty crush, but he is very well aware of the fact that he in fact have a girlfriend. What he also knew was YN was borderline in love with him but have kept it to herself as she is just too scared to confess, and also that she never crossed his boundaries. YN doesn't know he have a girlfriend who he have been dating for a year, she isn't the type to ruin someone's perfect relationship.

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