5. Periwinkle

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Periwinkle symbolize blossoming friendships, sentimental memories, and everlasting love

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Periwinkle symbolize blossoming friendships, sentimental memories, and everlasting love. The periwinkle flower is a symbol of faithfulness and trust.

YN always saw her Harry through her own Periwinkle lens.
It was a natural thing to worry about how it's going to work on his side as given he'd just broken up with his girlfriend not even a month ago. Now she didn't wanted to question him be that kind of girlfriend, she rather chose to give him chance to prove himself that he's going to put in efforts into this relationship they've newly made official.

Especially now since he was back to work again and so was her.

YN always wonders why and how his ex could not be grateful such an amazing partner as Harry. But who cares she's got him all to herself now!

Harry has been showing that he's a better boyfriend with his acts of service. Now it was his place they both usually hung out at after both of them got off work. Gus have got a whole new house to play around at Harry's. It's about nine months for them together now, it's nearing Christmas. Harry had a couple of days off for Christmas which he'd planned to spend with his girlfriend.

It was a Saturday morning, both of them got to sleep in late. Especially YN, all her stress and pain from standing on her feet all day is usually put on hold for two days which she took full advantage of. Plus it was cold and Harry felt warm and cosy under her duvet.

"Hey darling you up?" Harry's morning raspy sent shivers down her spine. She was awake but felt too lazy to get up and felt too comfortable having her boyfriend spoon her from behind, his bare chest pressed flush against bare back.

"Yeah, good morning!" She smiled with her eyes still closed. A sweet morning kiss was placed behind her ear.

"Mornin' baby!" He took in a deep breath. "Love waking up next to you like this!"

"I could say the same." She moved closer to him finding even more comfortable spot for herself.


"What do you want for breakfast?" She asked.

"Are you going to cook today?" He asked, acting surprised.

"Hey, you don't let me step a foot in your kitchen. I can cook!" She got defensive poking her elbow in his tummy.

"I'm just joking baby." He chuckled tiredly, "but I'd like eggs and toast and nice cup of coffee."

"So it's that for breakfast then." She agreed.

"Thank you." He sighed lazily burying his face into her neck.

"You're tickling me." She squirmed under his touch making him smile against her skin. He peppered her with kisses wherever he could reach.

"Can we stay in bed for a while?" He mumbled.

"Mhmm!" She agreed, "I'm too lazy to get out of this comfy setting."

"Mhmm," he agreed too. "Wanna make out?"

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