❣️ Special Part ❣️

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Ignore my mistakes plz....

No one's Pov

" Stop! You will fall " Jungkook was shouting looking at Tae who was jumping around the bed " Nooo! It's fun!" Jungkook sighed when Taehyung ignored his words " I said get down! I don't want you to be sick again " Jungkook scolded him...Tae pouts and stopped and sat down.

Jungkook smiled looking at his sulking baby " Come down pout " Jungkook said and peck his lips...making the male giggle out. A small kiss was enough to make Tae smile and Jungkook knew how to make him happy and when he sees Tae happy, he smiles himself.

I took 1 month for Tae to recover, Jungkook and he moved to America. Meanwhile Others happily living their life in Korea... Even tho they didn't wanted to leave Jungkook alone, According to them Jungkook was still not completely ready to live alone, But then he aasure them he can.

Jungkook sat down on the couch, Tae laid his head over his lap and closed his eyes, Jungkook smiled and moved his fingers through his hair, soon Tae was snoring softly... Jungkook chuckled " Can't believe he 
tops " Jungkook shook his head in disbelief.

Jungkook's eyes fall on the television, He frowns looking at the news...He grabbed the remote and unmuted the television.

" The youngest CEO, Kim Taehyung who was the wanted killed of the late famous business Park SEO Joon was found dead yesterday...The Officers says that he was tied up inside the cave for months, Cause of dead... beaten by rats and starving "

Jungkook smirked, Even tho Jungkook wanted to give him slow dead...really slow dead but he pity the male " Hyung?" Jungkook looks down seeing Tae looking at the television, Jungkook instantly turned it off " Hey Tae, I thought you are sleeping?" Tae looks at him and shook his head.

" Tae woke up because of sound " Jungkook smiled " let's get to bed, it's late " Jungkook said to him who nodded pout adoring on his face " Do you want me to pick you-" Jungkook was shut off by his own yelp when Tae picked up Jungkook in bridle style.

" Tae is strong he can pick up angel " Jungkook blushed, Why does he feel so shy around Tae...Tae laid Jungkook in bed and slept cuddling the male...But Jungkook he was wide awake " I'm so lucky to have you " Jungkook muttered staring at Tae's face.

••• Time Skip •••

" Ooo~ that's a progress " Jungkook said laughing seeing Jin blushing, Tae was confused " What happened to Jin uncle " Jungkook brusted into laughter hearing Tae, While Jin glared at the unseen male through the camera leans " how dare you call me uncle brat! I'm only 6 years elder then you even tho I look younger then you "

Jin rapped scolded Tae who whined, hugging his boyfriend's arm " Angel~ look at him...He made TaeTae sad " Tae said looking at Jungkook with puppy eyes melting Jungkook's heart instantly " Jin! That's enough you made him sad " Jin scoffed, Jungkook was whipped for the male.

" Seriously man, Y-" Namjoon was silent looks at Jin and Jungkook back and forth " Jungkook, we called you to inform you about our wedding...But you guys are fighting " Namjoon said disappointed " I will see you in Seoul, now bye " Jungkook hangs up the call.

Jungkook looks at Tae who was pouting " so who wants ice cream?" Jungkook asked with a teasing smile knowing how much Tae loves ice cream " Me! Me!" Tae's eyes sparkle... Jungkook chuckled and holds his hand " Let's go then " Jungkook softly said to him.

A week later ••

" Congratulations Namjoon Hyung, Congratulations Jin Hyung " Jungkook said hugging them both, Tae behind him looking around the decoration smiling and with bright eyes " Thanks for coming Jungkook, we are glad to have you here " Jungkook smiled at him widely " Ahh your bunny smile " Jimin put his hand over his chest.

Jungkook chuckled at his dramatic hyungs " Go take a seat " Jungkook turned around seeing Tae taking with some girls " So you mean If I caught that flower, then I can marry my Jungkookie?" Tae asked amazed playing with his hands.

The girls nodded, secretly smirking " What's happening?" Jungkook asked them, They looks at Jungkook nervously " N-nothing Mr Jeon, They run away, Jungkook sighed and looks at Tae " don't go anywhere without letting me know, okay?" Tae smiled and nodded.

" Come on Jin! Through " Jimin yelled excitedly, Jessi rolled her eyes and sat down beside Jungkook " why don't you go and caught it, you're a bottom right?" Jungkook blushed and hit her shoulder who laughed " I knew it " Jungkook looked away blushing.

Jin throw the flowers, girls squealed to caught them but instead it was Tae who caught them " Yay! I can marry Jungkookie!" Jungkook blushed looking at Tae squealing and jumping around " Congratulations Jungkook " Jessi winked at him who blushed.

Maybe it wasn't a bad idea, Jungkook got his and his family's revenge....He saw what he wanted to see in Taehyung's eyes, The fear for Yugyeom love for him....all he did was lied...but in his revenge he met Tae, the love of his life.

Who made his life beautiful, Which made his forget about his bad past...And now he lived happily with Tae.

The end

Finally I ended it, maybe it's not what you expected, I'm sorry for that

And sorry I took a lot of time to update

Thanks for reading 💕

- Everyone thanks for existing and know that you are important for this world 🌈

- I purple you 💜

- Author Nim 🐰

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