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I just returned the book from the shelves and when i went back to the table, i saw this little sticky note and it's my favorite color.

"Hi, i hope you're having a great day :>"

I think i am mistaken.

"Excuse me, i think this is yours." I said to the other student in the table and smiled as i left the library.

"It's not mine-" She said to me. It's not mine either sorry.


"Do you think she kept it?" I anxiously asked them.

"Pretty sure. She looks like she's a collector." Jihyo laughed.

"Not sure." Tzuyu shrugged her shoulders.

"Where's Chaeyoung-"

"Yoooooo!" Chaeyoung jumped on my back.

"Finally, here's the smol bean." Tzuyu roasted Chaeyoung who's pouting.

"Consider yourself lucky you're our maknae." Chaeyoung wrapped her arms on Tzuyu's nape.

"Y/N, i heard you're liking someone right now may i know who?" Chaeyoung smirked.

"It's the nerdy." Jihyo said.

"She's just studious shut up." I snapped Jihyo's forehead.

"Myoui Mina?" Chaeyoung looked at me.

"Uhm.. yeah." I scratched my head.

"Oh.. oki. Goodluck!" Chaeyoung nodded and smiled.

"Thanks cub, it's just a crush not a big deal." I put my hand over Chaeyoung's head while walking.

"Psh, then why send her sticky notes? Hahaha!" Jihyo tickled my side so i grabbed her head.

"Jeez, will you stop teasing me? I'll see you guys at the class!" I chuckled and they waved good bye. I headed to the lockers section and i just remembered Mina's locker is just 3 lockers apart from mine.

I made sure no one can see me, luckily i'm the only one on the hallway. So i took this chance to slid my note inside Mina's locker.

*bell rings*

"Oop, quick." I hurriedly left the area knowing Mina usually goes to her locker before the class starts.


"Heyyy, Mina unnie!" Yeji waved at me.

"Hi." I looked at Yeji.

"Can we go to class together? Ryujin is at the restroom so..." Yeji played with her fingers.

"Sure, i'll just get my things first." I smiled and went to my locker. As i opened it, another purple sticky note was there.

"Hi, i know you don't know me but please don't be scared and find it weird. I just saw you this morning and you look so pretty :) I'm hoping to be your friend but i'm kinda coward to approach."

"This person must have put it on a wrong locker. Whatever, you're right i don't know you." I mumbled to myself and threw the sticky note to the trash.

"Who was that? Why did you threw ittt~" Yeji was shocked and she whined.

"I don't know either, pretty sure it was a mistake let's go." I told her and we went to class.


"Psst! Y/N!" Someone tapped my shoulder and whispered.

"Oh, hey Yeji." I smiled at her.

"She threw it! I didn't know she was not keeping your notes." Yeji pouted.

"What?!" Jihyo's eyes widened.

"That's so mean." Tzuyu frowned.

"Yah, maybe she was just scared." I pushed their legs below the table because Mina is just in front of us. Not literally, there is one table between us.

"Just show up and talk to her Y/N. I know she won't reject you." Chaeyoung suggested.

"I don't know, i can't. Maybe soon, let's talk about this later." I said seeing our teacher who just entered our classroom.

"Good day class. We don't have anything much to do since we finished doing your tasks last week. You can do anything you want but be quiet, i'll see you next meeting." Mr. Park Seo Joon said and left the room.

"Nice, now let's talk about it hehehe." Jihyo smirked and sat properly.

"Not here are you crazy? She might hear us." I chuckled.

"We don't know her well. Who knows? Maybe she has sharp hearing." Tzuyu whispered.

"Yeah, let's just talk about our math activity. Can i copy yours?" Chaeyoung stole my notebook and laughed.

"Aish, i didn't even answer yet cub." I rolled my eyes and let her copy my work.

"I'm too lazy to do it too, give it to me." Jihyo also stole my notebook from Chaeyoung.

They all argued for it and i just laughed at them. But of course i wouldn't have an hour without checking Mina. She's just there, knitting while studying. I badly want to join and talk to her, but i bet she doesn't know me.

I just hope she won't throw my next sticky note for her.


to be continued...

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