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I didn't really feel good and comfortable from what's happening so i made up an excuse to leave the situation.

"Excuse me for a moment, i need to take my call." I told Joy who's also confused from what's happening from Jennie.

"Okay okay, go ahead." Joy was panicking while looking at them.

I lightly sighed and went out the library. I didn't know what was really the reason of walking out, i think i'm just escaping stress around me.

I was just crossing my arms while taking a breather until someone called my attention.

"Mina? What are you doing here?" Chaeyoung tapped my shoulder from behind.

"Just taking a break." I smiled at her. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm taking my chemistry class in the lab beside this library. Do you want to spend the break together?" She asked me in a friendly way.


"Where is she?" You looked around outside the library.

Eventually, you found Mina standing from the corner but it looks like she's talking to someone. When you got closer, you saw Chaeyoung and Mina together and it looks like they're friends.

You were staring at them but Chaeyoung almost averted her eyes to your direction. Luckily, you hid behind the wall quickly before she could see you. They might say goodbye to each other in no time so you decided to go back to the library.

Your group mates parted ways to Mina's
right after the both of you arrived. You're finally going home now after a long day.

But before that, you went to Mina's locker where you left your secret note from last time.

"It's gone." You sighed, feeling blue. "Guess it's time to stop sending them.

You decided to leave but you felt something sticked under your shoe. It was the same note you put on Mina's locker.

"She didn't throw it away?" You were staring at the note when you noticed there was a shadow of handwritten pen at the back.

Mina wrote you back.

"Hi, i still don't know you but i'm letting you know that i appreciate what you were doing since the past weeks. I would like to meet you, but i'll expect this to happen soon when you're ready to meet with me."

- Mina


Your heartbeat skipped when she mentioned that she wanted to meet you since it was sudden and you're still unready to confess and meet her as
Y/N, not her secret admirer.

After that, you once again wrote her a note.

"I'm still gathering a lot of courage to meet you actually, but in the mean time, i'll give you another hint for you to guess~ We were seat mates before."



We finally finished our campaign activity so i headed to my locker right away.

There i saw someone standing in our locker section but i noticed that person was standing right in front of my own locker.

I could only see that person's back that is facing me but before i could tapped their shoulder, i noticed that was the secret note.

"Why are you looking at that-" I quickly stole the note from that person's hand.

It was Y/N.

"Y/N? Why are you holding it?" I asked.

"I-I'm sorry! I was.. heading to the exit when i saw this on the floor." Y/N explained.

"Did you see what's written on this?" I asked, hoping Y/N did not see what was written on it.

"Oh, nah. I'll go ahead now!" Y/N waved goodbye and ran to the exit quickly.

>>> the next day after classes

You didn't like the schedule since you haven't seen Mina all day for at least a second. Your friends were in the same class with her but you were separated from the arrangement.


"Aww, looks like you're bored."  Your sister Sana pouted while standing on the door.

"Y-Yo. Do you not know how to knock?" You sat on your bed.

"Sorry~ I was about to tell you i just got home but i saw you frowning to your phone." Sana laughed.

"You could've knock first, still." You sighed.

"Okay okay! There's bulgogi eggplants downstairs." She closed the door.

"She doesn't like eggplants, though?" You said to yourself.

"What's got into you that you bought these eggplant dish?" You shouted from upstairs while closing the door.

"Come in! Make yourself at home~" Sana didn't hear you since she's busy focusing at something downstairs.

"Who's she talking to?" You mumbled since it's only you and your sister at home everyday.

Little steps you took to reach downstairs, you saw a familiar figure's side view facing you.

Little steps you took to reach downstairs, you saw a familiar figure's side view facing you

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"M-Myoui Mina?"

to be continued.

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