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"Is that for me?" Someone tapped my back and i looked at her.

"Where have you- Oh! I'm s-sorry i thought you were someone hehe." The girl scratched her nape and left embarrassed.

"Tss.. I thought it was her." I scoffed as i left the area. Suddenly, rain starts pouring down my skin on the way home.

"Aish-" I covered my head and ran to the roadside. Luckily, there was a convenience store near so i went there to buy umbrella.

"Good evening." The cashier greeted me as i opened the convenience store door.

"Ah, good evening." I bowed and went straight to umbrella section but there's only one left.


We accidentally grabbed the last stock of umbrella at the same time.

It was Mina.

I immediately hid the small bouquet of flower inside the plastic bag that i will secretly give to her and just for her tomorrow.


"Uh sorry! You can t-take it." I nervously smiled at Mina who was also startled because we touched hands.

"..No, it's all yours." She gave me the umbrella and immediately left.

"No wait-" I was about to insist it for her but she was already gone. I hurriedly payed for the umbrella and went outside to search for her. She can't be strolling around without this, it's still raining.

"Where could she possibly go?" I mumbled and looked for her in every streets i have passed by. I finally saw her at the middle of the road picking up her things.

"Mina!" I ran to her and covered her with my umbrella. She's a bit soaked from the rain right now.

"It's alright, i can handle it-" She stood up and told me.

"No, stay under this umbrella." I took her with me to the bus stop with a shade.

Mina said nothing and just looked at me. My heartbeats are running wild, knowing she's just inches from me.

"No need to t-thank me.." I looked away, i hope she didn't see my cheeks turning red.

Mina sat and she was crossing her arms because she's cold. I removed my jacket right away and gently put it on her, she looked at me confused but i continued to wrap it around her.

"It's fine, i can handle it." She was about to return it but i stopped her from removing it.

"What are you doing? You're a little soaked from the rain, you might get sick." I didn't noticed i was saying it on a worried tone like she's my girlfriend. This is embarrassing.

I just remained quiet and didn't talk much because i think it would make her uncomfortable. She was just watching the wet road, but i think it would be better if i would talk now.

"Mina?" I called her.

"Hmm?" Mina looked at me.

"It's not raining hard anymore, take this." I gave her the umbrella i just bought a while ago and she stared at it.

Mina stood up and returned my jacket to me. She didn't have to bring it back and should've just kept it but yeah.

"Uhm..Keep safe." I smiled and she left.

To be honest, it's not that okay since it's getting dark already and i don't have money left because of the umbrella, but it's fine. At least Mina would not get sick from the rain.

When she left, i tried to watch her to make sure she's safe but it was still raining and it's blocking her.

"Yah.." Mina called me while holding the umbrella.

"Why are you still here-"

"I've been waiting for you, faster it's getting late." She told me to go with her and smiled.


to be continued...

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