Chapter 1

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Hi there, just to let you know English is not my mother tongue. So, this humble self apologies for my absolute grammar errors or wrong sentences spelling and etc in my writing.

Wei XuYi open his eyes and look at the familiar surrounding. His mouth is a little bit agape.

'This is my room' state Wei XuYi in his mind.

He wake up from the bed and stood up in the middle of the room. Wei XuYi eyes reddened when he remember the things happen before he died.

Yes. Wei XuYi is already dead.

He didn't think that heaven is merciful enough that brings him back to 15 years prior before his death. Right now he's only 7 years old.

Actually, Wei Xuyi is not biological child of Wei couple but child of their best friend Wen couple.

Unfortunately, an incident occurred when Wei Xuyi or his true name Wen Xi Yu still 18 months.

One night, when Wen couple resting at home, fire suddenly take place and burn their manor into dust. The couple with couple of servants didn't make it and burn to death. The only survivor from Wen manor are Butler Wang and Wen Xuyi (Wen Xi Yu).

Knock! Knock! Sound from outside his bedroom. Wei XuYi hurriedly open the door. Outside the room stood Wei Sheng Han looking for him.

Wei XuYi look at the 14 years old Wei Sheng and suddenly sniffles. Wei Sheng Han startled when suddenly Wei XuYi start to cry.

"En, baby what wrong??" Ask Wei Sheng overwhelmed.

Then his hand caught the trembling Wei XuYi. At first, he's looking for Wei Xuyi to bring him to eat dinner. He didn't think that Wei Xuyi his didi (1) gonna cry when he saw him. Maybe his didi having a nightmare, thought Wei Sheng Han.

"Gege!"(2) Cried Wei Xuyi holding tight onto Wei Sheng waist.

Wei Xuyi suddenly feels overwhelming sadness and grieves when he looks at his big brother, Wei Sheng Han. In Wei Xuyi last life, he thought his dage (3) hate him because the indifferent attitude that Wei Sheng Han have when it comes to him.

Unfortunately, Wei Xuyi thought is absolutely wrong. Wei Sheng Han indifference attitude is because Wei Sheng Han trying to protect him from the enemy of Wei family.

Wei Sheng Han trying not to favor Wei Xuyi because he didn't want outsider take advantage from his weakness.

For Wei Sheng Han, Wei Xuyi is the only person that cannot be wrong. His love for his little didi cannot be measure enough even though they both are not blood related. But because the misunderstanding from Wei Xuyi side, relationship between both of them is always cold.

Wei Xuyi always think that Wei family especially Wei Sheng Han didn't really love him. That's make Wei Xuyi easy to be manipulated by enemy of Wei family and cause to his death.

In this life, Wei Xuyi determined to protect his family and protect himself from another misfortune by his silly and selfish self.

" What happen? Did you have nightmares?" Ask Wei Sheng Han while stroking Wei Xuyi back softly.

Listening to Wei Sheng heartbeat and smelling Wei Sheng Han smell make Wei Xuyi calm down.

"En" reply Wei Xuyi softly while buried his baby face into Wei Sheng Han bossom.

Wei Sheng Han chuckles. His little didi is so cute. Thought Wei Sheng Han.

"That's why ge always warn you to not sleep before dinner, look you having a nightmare again"

"En, I'm not going to sleep before dinner next time "

"There's next time?"

"No! Never again"

" En, good boy.. let's eat dinner"

"Okay" thus Wei Xuyi follow Wei Sheng Han to the dinning room like a little tail.

In the dinning room, Wei Xuyi saw papa and mama Wei sitting on the chair at the table waiting for them. Once again Wei Xuyi think he's gonna cry. Wei Xuyi step stop and he stood there silently.

"Baby? What wrong?" ask mama Wei gently.
Looking at her second son lovingly.

'Wei Xuyi you fool! Can't you see by their eyes and action that they really love you!!' shout Wei Xuyi in his mind.

How can he be so stupid in his last life. He easily trust outsider than his own family that take care of him over 20 years.

Wei Xuyi shook his head and run into mama Wei and hug her tight.

"I miss you" said Wei Xuyi while act spoiled.

"Naughty" said Mama Wei while pinch Wei Xuyi cheeks.

Then she brings Wei Xuyi to the chair and forgot her own biological son, Wei Sheng Han that follow behind them. Wei Sheng Han helplessly takes his own seat at the dining table. Looking at his family eating and laughing happily, once again Wei Xuyi felt like crying. He doesn't know whether to smile or cry.

'Stop being such a crybaby Wei Xuyi, in this life I'm not gonna repeat my mistakes again!' Promise Wei Xuyi to himself.



(1) little brother
(2) brother
(3) big brother

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