Chapter 3

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Wei Sheng Han open his eyes when he feels suffocated. Looking down he saw Wei Xuyi already lay on top of him. Sleeping soundly with no care in the world. No wonder he feels

Wei Sheng Han smile helplessly. Look at the time, it's still 6 am. With care he put his hand on Wei Xuyi waist and back. Carefully put Wei Xuyi on the another side of the bed.

"Urm.." Wei Xuyi grumple when he lost the warmth that he has been holding while asleep.
" I'm here.." coax Wei Sheng Han while gently stroking Wei Xuyi back.
"Go back to sleep.. its still early..."
"En" thus Wei Xuyi shut his eyes closely.

Looking down at his sleeping little brother Wei Sheng Han just smile. He don't know what has get into Wei Xuyi that makes him start being so clingy.

He remember when Wei Xuyi started to walk he will always follow his step like a little tail. Even the first word that he speak is ge. Always crying asking to pick him up and hug him.

But suddenly after that child turn into 7 years old and admitted to primary school that child start being independent. He likes to act like an adult even though he just a little boy.

Sigh helplessly, Wei Sheng Han thus proceed to bathroom. After he done showering, Wei Sheng Han changed into his school uniform. Looking at the time, its look like he need to wake up his little boy.

"Xiao yi, xiao yi.. wake up"
"Urmm.. wantt to sleep"
"It's already 6.30.. if you sleep more.. you gonna miss breakfast.."
"Don't want to eat~"

Wei Sheng Han chuckles.

"No.. you gotta to eat.. come on.. you sleep enough"
"No.." deny Wei Xuyi sleepy. He close his eyes tight. Pull up the blanket and hide his face.
"Wake up.. or do you want ge to pick you up into bath now?"
"It's cold.. sleepy" said Wei Xuyi coquettishly.

Looking down at his little brother, Wei Sheng Han breath in and thus straight to pick up Wei Xuyi into a bridal carry with the blanket.

"Ah!" Wei Xuyi shocked. Looking at his brother shocking face, Wei Sheng Han chuckles.
"Lets get you wash up.."

After both of them ready into their own school uniform, both of the brothers walk down the stairs and step to the dinning room for breakfast.

"Morning papa! Morning auntie rong " wish Wei Xuyi excitedly.
Auntie Rong who prepared breakfast also smile back.

"Morning second young master"

Looking at his son, President Wei smile lightly and put the tablet down.

"Morning xiaoyi..did you sleep well?"
"Em yess.. last night I'm sleeping with ge.."
"Oh ya?"
"He's the one that sleep to well and hard to wake up.." tease Wei Sheng Han.
"Haha really.."
"Ah ge.." pout Wei Xuyi.
"Well it's good to sleep more..if you want to sleep more.. just make sure to sleep early.. okay enough with that.. let's eat breakfast first.. otherwise you're late"
"Eh where's ma?" ask Wei Xuyi.
"Your mom is with your little sister.. she's got a little fever this morning.."
"Nie nie got fever?"
"No worries, pa and ma gonna take Nie Nie to hospital after this.." appease Wei Heng.

While eating, Wei Xuyi remember thats his little sister that 2 years younger than him will be diagnosed having a heart problems at the age of 18.

His little sister always in poor health from a baby but the doctor always says that her body has no problems.

Unfortunately, Wei family get to know too late about their youngest child sickness.

After almost a year fighting with illness, Wei Sheng Nie fragile body cannot withstand with all the treatment sessions and she gone forever leaving her mother and her family grieving after her loss.

"Xiaoyi ge.. after I've discharge from this hospital let's go watch fireworks together okay"

He still got promise to be fulfilled.

"Xiaoyi?" Call Wei Sheng Han concern. Thus, Wei Xuyi wake from remembering the past.
"You okay?"
"Yah.. just sleepy a bit"
"Drink some water"

After breakfast, Wei Sheng Han and Wei Xuyi got into the car that has been ready for drive them to the school.

Sitting in the back seat of lowkey black maybach with Wei Sheng Han make Wei Xuyi feels nostalgic. After all for him, almost 10 years he hasn't keep in touch with his brother.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2023 ⏰

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