A Magic Girl and A Smiling Boy

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It's been two days since Dark Link was injured by Ganon. I hate how I know the villains but don't know the heroes when I see them.....
Dark Link is better, he is able to walk and his body functions correctly however his neck was still injured and he couldn't move it at all, every now and then I hear him groan in pain at his neck, I don't know what that song did, I'm certain it helped him, but how?

"(Y/n)?" I heard a voice,"(y/n)?" Dark Link....
"Yes?" I asked.
"The library is open, you may go in there whenever you please, as long as you don't disturb me," he replies leaving the door unlocked. I held a face of curiosity, was he....beginning to trust me? I doubt it...

I walked to the library and looked at the various books there, I was looking for "The Book Of Songs" still curious at how the words in that book were magical. I read some of the pages and some may have been handy like; Song of Healing, Song of Soaring and Song of Time. The Song of healing had lyrics but the others had notes,"I wonder which instrument they need...."
"Ocarina," I jumped
" You made me jump....please don't do that," I asked nervously.
"I'm a shadow I tend to do that," he remarked, a smirk plastered in his face.
"Yes...well do you have an orcarina?" "Of course if the idiot hero has it I have it too," he responds like its obvious
"Sorry I asked," I muttered.
"Here," he said, handing me something, I looked, the ocarina.
"Hey Dark Link....Teach me please, I have no idea how to play it," I ask
"....fine... You have a lot to learn kid..." He sighed
"Thanks," I reply.

After awhile I got the hang of it, it wasn't that hard, and Dark Link was not too bad at teaching me either.

"You're alright, just keep practicing," he smiled. I held back a shocked look, he's so sour, the thing I would least expect was a smile. I smiled in return and he looked away scowling.
"Knew that was coming," I laughed
"What?" He snapped
"As soon as I return a smile you would scowl,"
"Yes well I'm not used to.....THAT kind of smile," he responds. I noticed something.
"No one has ever been nice to you before have they?" I asked.
"......" No response.
"Hey...." I'm not the best at comforting people, but it's worth a shot, though he will probably get angry.
"No I haven't..." He sighs
"That makes two of us," I smiled.

Dark Link's POV

I just hide behind the demonic appearance that scares everyone, I wouldn't but I'm forced to since I'm a villain and that's all anyone will see me as, so it's odd how she can see through the dark disguise to what I am inside, a weak, selfish, lonely shadow of the guy that always takes the fame.

"That makes two of us," she smiled. Is she serious?
"Yes....but you don't hide who you are with another personality," I said. It's so odd having someone there to listen.
"I didn't know you did...I thought you were tough and.....well....fearless,"she said.
"I am tough, but not fearless," I responded,"come on it's late, you need food," I said. I would prefer to stop talking about this, it's something that actually makes me uncomfortable. She nodded and stood up, and walked away.
"Hey, you forgot this," she said. I turned she was holding the ocarina.
"Keep it, it will come in handy to you, you have magic stored in your voice and power of song," I said walking off.

I listened to the foot steps as the girl followed me to the dining hall.
"Stay and wait I'll be back with our food,"

(Y/n) POV

Magic? I am magic? No.... I can't be.... but I did heal him with that song.

I followed him through the corridors and we entered a giant hall, a dining hall.
"Stay and wait I'll be back with our food," He said and left. I sat down in one of the chairs and waited,thinking, "We are more alike than I thought," I muttered.
"It's strange but I agree," I heard behind me.
"Eek! Please stop doing that..." I asked, I'm not good with people sneaking up on me.
"You're quite fragile aren't you? What you fear really effects you," he smirked, placing the plate on the table in front of me.
"Thank you," I said, staring at (favourite/dinner). It looked delicious.

There was no conversation, but it wasn't awkward, this was normal for me to eat alone, and I guess it was for him too, so no matter what it seemed normal.

After eating, I thanked him for the food once again and headed to my room.
"Oh, Dark Link? Thank you for keeping me company today," I smiled and left the room.

Dark Link POV

DARK WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, ugh this girl is making me grow soft. How?! Not even Zelda or any other princess can make me like this, so why this girl? She so nice! It makes me unwell! But she's so understanding! Which makes it even worse! Just makes me even softer on the girl.

She's not just my prisoner anymore... she's my friend.

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