Stunned Girl and A Lucky Boy

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I would say the tension is big between us, but it really hasn't been, we got along now, more than before and I felt closer to him more than I have ever done.
"Did Ganondorf do anything to you?" He asked, he seemed to be very nerved at what Ganondorf could have done.
"No, thankfully not, he only put me in that arena," I responded
"Yes he saw the hole scene of me saving you, it's a shame I didn't see his face, that would have been amusing," he chuckled
"Yea I guess, thank you for saving me, and getting all my stuff back, I owe you for that.
"Yes I'll find something you can repay me with later but for now, we are back at my castle," Dark Link climbed off his horse and helped me down.
I get a nod in response and he walks in the castle, I remembered the bookshelf was kicked down, meaning I should put them all back in order again.

I walked into the library to find not only the one bookshelf a mess but all of it.
"what....happened?" I ask myself
" I happened, when I was going to look for you I needed a map so I was looking for one, and messed up the whole library," he shrugged.
"I guess I'll put them all away," I reluctantly sighed, picking up a book only to have it snatched out my hand, I heard a chuckle.
"You know I'll help right, I'm not that bad, and believe it or not I can usually clean up my own mess," he smugly said.
"Thanks.....again," We got to work cleaning the library soon we had it fixed and I could read in there again.

"That didn't take too long," I remarked.
"(Y/n) it's 8:00 we've been cleaning for 3 hours," Dark Link stated
"Oh," is all I could say.
He sighed shaking his head,"come on let's go get some food," he sighed. We walked into the dining hall and Dark Link prepared the food, I waited for a while and the food finally came, we ate not speaking a word, I was actually worried if I did I would get a scolding I'm still not used to eating in his dining hall yet, so I don't know the rules.

After we finished he took the plates away, and actually walked me to my room.
"Do you....wanna sleep?" He asked, I shook my head, "sorry I'm not really tired," I sighed
"Yea sure, I was just asking you don't have to apologise," He shrugged.
" Er yea...I'm going to the library,"
"How have you not had enough of books for one day?"
"It's to practise,"
" how's your made up song turning out?"
"Pretty good I'll show you," i sat down and started playing. (Make up a melody, I don't do music 😐)
"It's role is it's meant to make good things happen, but I don't think it's working,"
I said a little disappointed.
"Maybe it depends on the person who thinks it's good luck," Dark Link replied,"I think it worked....." He mumbled.
"How?" I asked
" I saved you that's good luck.... Kind of, I think it's luck that your my friend," He pointed out.
"Yes things have turned out pretty well for the past few weeks," I trailed off, yawning.
"Not tired?" He questioned, sarcastically.
"I guess I am just didn't notice,"
"I can tell," he said once again taking me to my room. He was about to leave me but stopped.
"Oh yea my repayment I know what I want," he stated.
"Really? Now?" I sighed
"It will take two seconds," he responds.
He leaned in, I wondered what he was doing, and I felt something soft on my cheek. He then walked off. I held my cheek gently in disbelief.

He....he....he....kissed me

( I'm sorry this one is shorter but I am tied and I just want to get the update done now do I don't have to at the last minute. Thanks I hope you enjoyed and thx for nearly 800 views, it makes me wanna cry =,D)

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