Good End~ Your My Magic Girl

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"Found you," I flinched and quickly played the Song of Time, he made a reach for me but was too late, everything went white and started to think of escaping....somewhere. I blacked out, I snapped back to reality when I heard Link shouting at me.
"Pay attention to me when I'm threatening you!" I sighed and realised I was holding something, I still had my ocarina, lifting it to my lips I played a song, I started to remember it, the song of soaring! I teleported away outside Hyrule. I laughed knowing I was free. I then remembered I needed to save Dark Link.

I went to his castle and quickly grabbed his weapons and rode his horse to Ganons castle (song of soaring can't teleport two people remember?). I ran up to the gates disposing of the guards, I went inside.

I pulled on a secret switch I remember seeing Ganon use when I was here, I walked down into the dungeon to see Dark Link. I smiled at him.
"Hey...." His head snapped up faster than a rocket and he smiled.
"I thought I was just hearing things....but it really is you!" He exclaimed. I nodded and asked him where the keys were, he said Ganon had them, I sighed and thought of something.
"Play the song of soaring and I'll take the ocarina as soon as you finished that way you should teleport onto your horse and I should still have the ocarina so I can escape," I explained, he nodded and played the tune, he teleported away, I still had the ocarina I also used it teleporting away as well.

"You're so smart," Dark Link said, nuzzling my neck. I giggled and we rode of on his horse.

Ganondorf and Link seemed to even leave us alone after that too,

And....although it's cliche to say we lived happily ever after.....we really did.

But we still killed for fun.

"Hey Dark Link?"
"I love you" I said kissing him, on the lips I might add.

No more reason to fear
And no longer alone,
The little shadow changed my life
And for once I'm happy

Good End~

(There you have it, the three endings and the story completed, I hope you enjoyed thank you for all the love I couldn't ask for anything else \^^/)

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