Hes not good...

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(Dear Nintendo thank you for giving me the best early birthday present ever, and wishing me a happy birthday on animal crossing~love a fan)
(What you guys don't know what I'm on about? Well Lucas came out today, one day before my birthday, so I thank them for it, as I bought him from the eshop I was squealing like a mad woman, NO REGRETS)

??? POV

"I can't believe I'm doing this...." I said as he glared at me.
"I can't either, you come to me of all people to help you, I could kill you right here on the spot!" He yelled.
"Yea I know but you want him right? And I want her so it would be logical we work together," I reasoned.
"Seems....realistic....okay but after we do this it can't promise I won't kill you after," he replied. I nodded and we got to work on making a plan, a plan to capture Dark Link and (Y/n).

Dark Links POV

I woke up outside, holding something soft, I looked at what it was and I saw (y/n)'s sleeping form next to me, I forgot I did that last night. I was about to stand up when I got weighed down, her arms were around my waist hugging me, I smirked and sat down.





"Ugh stop it....I'm awake why are you in my roo-why are we outside....?" She muttered.
"We fell asleep leaning on a tree remember?"



"Stop poking me!" She shouted.
"Whoa grumpy," I teased. She giggled and elbowed me. Her giggle is adorable and terrifying at the same time....it's hard to describe.

I heard the rustling of leaves as we both stood up. I pointed an arrow at the bush and waited.
. . . . . . . . . . .
Something green jumped out.
"Link what are you doing here?!" I yelled.
"Calm down villain I don't mean to harm to you for once," he said. I wasn't buying not one bit.
"Fuck off link,"I stated.
"No I don't have to," he said, suddenly grunting as an arrow reached his arm, causing it to bleed.
"Actually you do, it's the law, you're not allowed to go on someone else's property, that is trespassing," said a expressionless voice, I started laughing seeing as when ever Link is around (y/n) always shoots him with an arrow, its rather funny.

He winced and clicked his fingers, a portal opened and he walked inside. That portal looks familiar.
"One second, (Y/n), I'll be back, I walked into the dark portal.

(y/n) POV.

I was reluctant about a Dark Link going into that portal. It didn't seem right to me, and as soon as he went in it closed so I have a bad feeling about it. I wandered off into the castle and waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And waited.

He wasn't back I've waited about two hours... this bothers me.
'What was that....?' I thought. I heard metal clanging and footsteps. I know who they are..... i take out my ocarina and start playing the song of soaring I teleport away, for some reason outside Hyrule, where a specific person was. I started running, as chased after my something sharp went in my back, the force making me fall.
"Ah!! Ow...." I whined, I made more noise when HE pulled my head up by my hair.
"Not nice being shot with an arrow is it!?" He shouted. Dragging me up and pulling me away to the castle. Throwing me in a cellar. He also ripped out the arrow from my back.
"Now I've got you and Ganons got your little loverboy!! AHAHAHA!!!" He said laughing like a mad man before walking of leaving me petrified.

"No no no no no no no no no no no no!!! NOT AGAIN!" I yelled,"NO!" I cried. I'm alone and so is he....

Not again

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