The Girl Leaving the Lonely Boy

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I was sitting beside (y/n) as she slept, I wanted to make sure she was alright but even more alive. She is breathing, so I know she's alive. My breath hitched every time she made movement, every movement raised my hopes in thinking she will wake up.

I waited for an hour more then was about to leave,"I have more important things to do," I muttered to myself. Just then I heard a mumble I turned around and looked at her, she slowly stirred and awoke. I walked calmly over to her.
"Morning Sunshine," I said sarcastically
"What happened?" She asked
"I stabbed you in the shoulder during training," I mumbled my eyes leaving her face and dropping to the floor. She giggled.
Wait. Giggled?
"Dark Link I feel fine you don't need to feel guilty,"
"W-what?! I don't feel guilty I love causing pain!" I scowled nervously, looking away from her.
"Really? Then why did you heal me?"
She asked.
"Friend. Remember? I wouldn't do it for anyone else," I snapped.
"Yes, well thank you," She smiled and stood up, wrapping her arms around me, causing me to violently tense up. I don't understand how I let her do this, but I do because she understands me.

After she let go I walked out the room. I was going to train a little.
"Hey Dark Link," I already knew what she was going to ask.
"No, not for a while,"  I said predicting she wants to train with me again.
"Oh....okay. Well how long was I asleep?"
"Id say around 15-20 hours," I bluntly reply.
"I'll be in the library," she nodded walking out of her room.
"How can she be so content with such few things....." I question walking out of the castle.

After a while of training I decide to cause some havoc in Hyrule town. I walked into the library to find (y/n) reading," I'm going out do not leave or I will hunt you down and kill you," I scowl. I'm in a lustful mood, for blood of course, why else?
"Alright I don't plan on leaving you anyway," she responds fully engaged in the book. I throw a pendant at her. "What's this?"
"Use it to contact me if your in danger," I replied, she nods.

Your POV

I was content enough, it didn't feel that different with him or without him either way I'm alone. I continued to read the story.


I flinched,"Dark Link....?" I said quieter than a whisper. I ran to the back of the library getting the pendant and speaking to it.
"Dark Link? Are you back?" I whisper.
"No, why? I'm having a killing spree here give me a-"
"SHHH!!" I whisper-yelled,"I think someone's broke in, I heard a crash..."
"What?! Alright I'm coming," he replied and the pendant lost it's glow. For now I need somewhere to hide. I tried to climb on top of a bookcase, it was a tight fit between the ceiling and the bookcase but I fit. Now I must wait until Dark Link comes back.

The doors swing open with great force, I stared at who opened the door. Ganondorf. Oh no. I waited not letting a breath interrupt the silence. I watched him as he walked through the library.
"Mmmm....there's someone in here," he said.
He turned and looked up, he spotted me.

Dark Links POV

No no no no!! That's all I could think, I need to hurry, I clicked my teeth making my horse run faster. I NEED to get there in time. If anyone takes her I would fear most if it was Ganondorf.

(Y/n) POV

I screamed as the bookcase fell to the floor, after Ganondorf punched it. I stood up from under all the books and ran outside to the training area, grabbing my bow and arrows. Taking my aim, I waited. But I felt a strong arm lift me up behind me.
"So your the girl Dark Link kidnapped, ha! Typical him, stealing girls," Ganondorf laughed.
"PUT ME DOWN!!!" I screamed.
"I came here for a reason, and I have that reason," he states.
"WHAT?! NO PUT ME DOWN!!!!" I shout and he drops me. He turns around and I see an arrow in his shoulder. I look at what he's looking at.
"Leave. Her. ALONE." He said. I got up and was about to run over to him, until I was grabbed by a hand.
"DARK LINK!!!" I screamed as I was thrown in a portal.

Dark Links POV

"The hell is wrong with you, Ganondorf?!" I shout. He took her now I am ANGRY.
"Nothing I'm taking away the thing that weakened you," he smirked.
"SHE MADE ME STRONGER, SHE WAS THE THING I WAS DETERMINED TO PROTECT," I state. Running at Ganondorf and slashing him, I got a few more hits in as he walked into a portal, I ran after him but it closed.

I fell to my knees,"I lost her....I have to get her back."


".....I think I love her...."

(A/N THATS SO KAWAII!!! Sorry anyway I will post at least once a week pls don't nag me to update...also we will see a lot of link and dark link in this not as much you for the next chapters)

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