Previous Love

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Marion's P.O.V.

What is going on? Who is that girl? How does she know Indy? About a million questions were running through my mind. "Indy, who's this?" I asked. "Oh, um, Marion, this is Wille. Wille, this is Marion." he said. "I'm his girlfriend." I added quickly. "Oh. So you've moved on then." said Wille. "Moved on?" I said. "I dated Indy for a few weeks. It was fun." Wille said. "Well, yes, he's moved on. He's with me now." I said. During this, Indy was being pretty quiet. "Indy lets go." I said. I just wanted to get away from, her. "May I come too Indy?" she said. "Um sure I guess." said Indy. I scowled. Great. Just great. Whatever happened, I needed to make sure Indy didn't get back together with her. I would do whatever it took.

Indy's P.O.V.

I had to let Wille come! I somewhat still cared for her. She left me. I didn't leave her. Marion didn't seem too happy though. I would have to hide that I still liked Wille or I think she'd kill me. After all it isn't the first time I've broken her heart. We got into Wille's automobile. I took the wheel. Marion started to sit down next to me but Wille was faster. Marion looked at her feet then got I the back. I felt kinda bad for her but I looked at Wille and forgot about it. "Where are we going?" she asked. "To give Marcus the diamond." I said. We drove to the airport. Wille and I talked but Marion was silent. She wouldn't look at me. I decided it would be best to leave her alone. We got to the airport and we got the next flight to Delhi. We got on the plane. The girls scowled at each other. It was going to be a long trip.

Next chapter coming soon!!!

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