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Indys P.O.V.

Ok. It's the morning now. I guess I have to tell Marion. I can't put this off anymore. I might lose Wille if I do. I REALLY don't want to do this. But I honestly would have been with Wille before I dated Marion if she hadn't dumped me. I guess it'll be how it's supposed to be. I walked over to Marion's tent. I peek in. She's still asleep. I walk away. I don't want to wake her up just to tell her we're done. That would be just awful. It's only nine a.m. but it's already really hot outside. I take off my shirt. Just then Wille comes out of her tent. She sees me and a sparkle comes to her eye. She nods me into her tent. Hey, how am I gonna say no to that?

A little while later, the tent flap opened. I looked up. It was Marion. I pushed Wille off me and stood up. Marion was crying. "Marion I'm sorry," I said, "but I think we need to see other people." She looks up at me her eyes angry and sad at the same time. Suddenly she grabs me and pulls me into a kiss. Then she lets go and walks away.

Marion's P.O.V.

I had to kiss him. Just one last time. I knew it was coming. I just didn't know it would be like that. Once I opened the tent, and saw them together, I knew what was coming next. So I did what I had planned. Just kiss him and walk away. I don't know where I'm going to go now. I guess anywhere away from Indy. I never want to see him again.

After a while I start to get tired. I sit down on a rock and cry. I cry for a long time. I can't believe he did this to me AGAIN! For some reason I still want him. Even after all he's done to me. I remember all the times we had fun. When we were trying to retrieve the Ark. Meeting Sallah. Helping him fight the Nazis. First meeting him when my father trained him. We were both so young and careless then. I wish it was still that way. I still can't go back. So I guess I'll go forward.

I soon reach the gorge. It's then I realize I can't get across without Indy's whip. Or can't I? I see a long vine hanging in a tree. I snap it off then hook it onto a brach across the gorge. I swing across. I start to remember the incident with Wille. I quickly shake it off. I can't cry again. Suddenly I see something glinting on the ground. I get closer. I realize there's more. I quickly dig it up. It's a chest. I open it. There's a map inside. I look closely at the last marking. I gasp. "It's a map to the temple that holds God's Hand!" I cry. I had to take it to Indy! I start to stand when someone grabs me. I really start to panic when I see ten Nazi symbol on his shirt. I know he wouldn't hear me but I had to try, "INDY HELP!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2015 ⏰

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