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Willie's P.O.V.
Ha!!! I knew Marion would react the way she did. Indy reacted better than I would have hoped. I didn't train myself for nothing. I went though the changes I did to win Indy back. I realize I made a mistake dumping him. But that was 5 years ago. I can change. I just hope Indy hurries up and gets rid of HER so I can be with him again.

Indy's P.O.V.
Ok. What. Just. Happened. Did WILLIE just do what I think she did? Wow. I think she really has changed. And for the better too. I love her more than ever now. I might have to give Marion up tonight. After today, I think I'll have to break Marion's heat for a third time. It really won't be easy. *Sigh*. I'll tell her in the morning. For now we have to find a place to sleep. We find a clearing near a lake. I hold a bucket out to Marion but Wille grabs it. "Please Indy, let me do this." She looks at Marion. "After all, Marion must be tired after jumping that gorge." She kisses my cheek then walks toward the lake. I sigh quietly then look at Marion. She won't look at me. Even in the fading light I can see tears in her eyes. "Marion....." I start. "Don't even Indiana." she says then walks away. I look at the ground. I not looking forward to letting her go. It will crush her. But it's for the best........right?

Marion's P.O.V.

I HATE WILLIE SCOTT!!! I HATE HER SO MUCH! She is ruining my life and I wish I had never fallen in love like a gullible little child. I knew Indy would eventually settle down with someone but I always hoped it would be me. Now I'm crying for the first time in years. I have a feeling Indy is going to let me go tomorrow. *Sigh*. I hope it won't be to bad. I know exactly what I'm going to do when he tells me.

Sorry I haven't been writing. I've just been a slacker😏 wait a minute I'm always a slacker. I'll write more tomorrow Byeeeeeeeeee😄

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