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Marion's P.O.V.

It was time to put Willie to the test. We were now somewhere in the jungle. I have no idea where. The car broke down so we're walking from here. There is a small gorge ahead. Indy pulls out his whip and tosses one end of it. It circles a branch the hooks on. Indy pulls it to make sure it won't fall. It doesn't. He swings across. Then he tosses the whip back to me. I quickly swing across. I lightly throw it back to Wille. It stops right in the middle of the gorge. Luckily Indy isn't looking. Wille glares at me then smiles. She backs up then starts running. Indy turns around just as she's jumping. "WILLE NO!" he yells. She grabs onto the rope and swings to the other side and lands perfectly. Wait, am I hallucinating? No I can't be. I can tell Indy is just as surprised as I am. It really happened. Wait, she has been gone for 5 years. She really has changed. She must have changed her attitude and her feelings for Indy. She must have changed for him. I can't let this happen! I can't!! They have one more straw. Then I'm going to snap.

Sorry for such a short chapter it's just late and I can't........ really.......... you know............ think well.
I will probably write more in the morning.

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