When the Fire Starts

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Marion's P.O.V.

I can't believe Indy didn't say anything when Wille ran I front of me. He wouldn't talk to me the entire ride either! He was only talking to her. I needed to do something to stop it all. Indy could not break my heart again.

Wille's P.O.V.

I sort of knew Indy would let me come. I'm glad he did. Even after 5 years he still has feelings for me. That 5 years made me change my mind about him. I do still like him. There was only one problem, Marion. She was dating Indy now. I needed to make her mad at Indy. I could tell she was angry when Indy said I could come. Maybe that started a fire. I just needed to fan the flames. "Indy!" I said, running up to him and Marion. When he turned around, I kissed him. I could tell he was surprised. And so was Marion. She screamed and tore me off of Indy. She started punching me. "MARION STOP!"said Indy. She got up. "What's gotten into you?"he said. "I-I she-" Marion stammered. Indy glared at her. "UGH!!" she said then stormed off. Indy rolled his eyes. Then he took me by the arm and we walked toward his university. I hoped this would be enough.

Next chapter coming tomorrow!!!!!!!

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