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𝕿he full moon had been and gone for September and i'm glad to say it was one of the better ones

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𝕿he full moon had been and gone for September and i'm glad to say it was one of the better ones. I had to confess ever since the boys became animagi to accompany us the dreadful night, they had been better. Fewer scratches and cuts like there were before, they distracted us in any way they could.

The five of us sat at the lion table as usual on Friday morning, all smirking at each other because of the plan we had  formulated for the day.

"Would you like some pumpkin juice, Moony?" Sirius asked, holding the pumpkin juice to him.

"I'm good thanks, Padfoot. I'd rather have coffee today" He replied, covering his chuckle as he took a sip of the hot beverage.

"I'll have some" Peter announced, making us all turn to him with a pointed look. He knitted his eyebrows together before realising and nodding, "actually, never mind it's too cold for pumpkin juice"

"It's September, it's twenty degrees and sunny outside" Alice reminded the boy from her seat close to us, Lily nodding in agreement.

"I-i'm a little cold" He stuttered, shoving a pancake in his mouth, hoping they would drop the subject.

James leaned close to my ear, scanning around the tables in the Great Hall, "3...2...1.." He whispered before screams erupted the Great Hall.

Everyone who had taken a sip of the pumpkin juice now had features of an animal, some had cat ears with tails, some had a bird beak, some had a pig snout and wiggly ears. The wide variety of animals around the hall was astronomical. Not only did they have the features of the animal, when they talked they would have a change in their voice. Even Dumbledore sprouted a large pelican beak, tapping Mcgonagall and the other teachers to show off his new look proudly.

"Lily Flower you are looking particularly fiesty this morning" James chirped to the red headed girl, who now resembled a cat with pointy ginger ears and a few whiskers.

"I can't believe you, Potter. You are nothing but an arrogant toe rag" She growled to the bespectacled boy beside me.

"Now, now Evans that was just claw-ful" Sirius mocked, the five of us barking into laughter from his use of the pun.

"It was just a bit of catitude, Padfoot" Peter added, making us laugh even more as the girl turned more red in the face from frustration.

"POTTER, BLACK, LUPIN, PETTIGREW. My office now!" Minnie yelled from the professor's table between snorting as she exhibited pig features.

"Which one, Minnie?!" I shouted back, smiling at the woman, before taking the jug of pumpkin juice and chugging it down. A small mane appeared around my face, my noise turning a black colour as I formed into a lion.

"Both of you" She corrected, approaching the group of us her little, pink, curly tail wiggling as she walked. We tried to contain our laughter, noticing her stern look. I'm sure I could see her lips turned up slightly at the corners even if she was trying to be strict.

☽𝐌𝐲 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧☽ -ᴊ.ғ.ᴘWhere stories live. Discover now