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"𝕽eady?" Regulus questioned to me as we all gathered in the manor on Halloween evening, everyone having heavy thoughts weighing on their minds

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"𝕽eady?" Regulus questioned to me as we all gathered in the manor on Halloween evening, everyone having heavy thoughts weighing on their minds. Despite the relief they were feeling of this day, they all felt sick to their stomachs, especially when they all glanced to my slightly swelled stomach concealed as much as we could with charms, which were slightly uncomfortable but it was necessary.

"I'm ready" I breathed out quietly, looking around at the entire group, my chocolate eyes meeting James' hazel ones lastly, Harry resting on his hip, the baby not giggling or happy at this time, almost as if he knew what was happening. Everyone seemed to understand, Remus reaching and taking Harry into his own arms, talking quietly to him as they all left the room for the moment, giving James and I a private minute.

James stared at his wife in front of him feeling an overwhelming sense of emotions he couldn't begin to label flooding in his veins and flowing through his body. This was it, what they've looked forward to since fifth year, the end of the war, the end of the dark times so they can grow older with their own family, their children growing up in a world predominantly free from dark magic- although he doubts it will never really be gone, it just wouldn't be like it was now. He gulped thickly, not moving his gaze one as she slowly stepped towards him, enveloping him into a hug of which he eagerly returned.

She smells like love.

Pure, wholesome love.

Love than can drown deep oceans and darkness.

I lifted my head up after nuzzling it into his neck, his head craning down when he rested his forehead on mine, our noses grazing as we fluttered our eyes closed, relishing in the moment. This was the unknown now, when I return back home something will have happened and it's something I can't for-see. We're in the unknown. A state of unpredictability. It feels like my life has always been this way now though, I didn't predict to fall in love with my best friend, I didn't predict to be some strange special werewolf both light and dark want, I didn't predict to have everything I could have ever wanted, a family, a home. Love. Completely unpredictable.

"Please" He whispered tightly, his heart practically in his throat when he pushed his head further into mine, pulling me as close as he possibly could to him, our hearts beating in sync, "Please be careful"

"I will. I promise" I murmured softly, finding his hand and locking our pinkies together to seal the promise like we had done many of times before, the boy keeping his hand intertwined with mine when he captured my lips adoringly, needy, and desperately all at the same time, my heart nearly exploding in my chest, "I'll be back to eat chocolate with you"

"Sounds like a good plan to me" He hummed against my lips, my teeth clicking against his when we both smiled,

"Look after our baby" I muttered, feeling his hands move either side in between us, touching my smaller stomach where the bump is supposed to be,

☽𝐌𝐲 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧☽ -ᴊ.ғ.ᴘWhere stories live. Discover now