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"𝕰ye spy with my little eye a Prongs staring at you" Peter murmured to my ear as we sat in our seats in DADA, twirling his quill around his fingers, "Then again, when is he not staring at you"

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"𝕰ye spy with my little eye a Prongs staring at you" Peter murmured to my ear as we sat in our seats in DADA, twirling his quill around his fingers, "Then again, when is he not staring at you"

"Good point, Wormy" I commented back, hiding the blush rushing to my cheeks with my hair, "Did you get that Charms essay finished?"

"Nearly. Will you-"

"I'll check over it when you're done, yes"

"Thank you, Luna. You're the best" He grinned, ruffling my hair. Mine and Peter's relationship has come along way from the beginning of our years at Hogwarts. Initially, he was incredibly shy and flustered, now he's more comfortable and confident when he talks to me. He does spend time with Hogwarts' most confident students to ever exist though, so that probably helps too.

"Okay, today we will be trying the patronus charm....can anyone tell me the incantation for this spell and what it is used for?" Our new DADA professor, Professor White announced. Apparently Professor Brindle had an unfortunate accident over summer and is now in a full body cast- I'm terribly saddened by the news, I wish him the speediest recovery. I do. Professor White was much more fair and didn't seem to hate me yet, however, I know there will be something because of the DADA curse. Every Professor ends up with something unfortunate happening to them.

"The patronus charm is the primary defence charm, more specifically against dementors it's a terribly difficult charm to which- those idiots over there are now showing us" Lily began, muttering the last part when Sirius, James and Peter all spoke the spell out of their wands, everyone impressed.

"Oh, that's not right" Peter mumbled, tilting his head to the side when we saw the patronus forms run around the classroom. A big black dog, a rat and a....wolf.

"I don't believe it!" Sirius snorted, throwing his head back as he laughed, the rest of the class either baffled or astonished. James spun around to face me, the blood rising to my cheeks. I dropped my head on to the desk to hide my face, trying to stop the ringing in my ears.

"Fantastic demonstration boys! 15 points to Gryffindor! Now, I want everyone to stand up, think of your happiest memories and speak the words 'expecto patronum'.

I reluctantly stood up, moving over to the boys as Sirius, Peter and Remus stood laughing at James' perplexed and flabbergasted expression. He stood frozen, staring at his wand, his lips parted slightly. I shook my head, ignoring it, trying to think of my happiest memory. I flourished my wand, speaking the spell quietly, nothing working. I huffed, rubbing my forehead and glancing around the room after a few tries. Marlene managed a white cat, Lily had a doe, Alice had a fox and Mary had a penguin. Why couldn't I do it?

I felt arms wrap around me from behind, bringing my wand down and causing me to relax. "You're not going to do it if you are stressing about it" He murmured, holding my close to him. I looked around, noticing everyone was too engrossed in their own discussions to see the two of us,

☽𝐌𝐲 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧☽ -ᴊ.ғ.ᴘWhere stories live. Discover now