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𝕿he room of requirement

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𝕿he room of requirement.

A room in Hogwarts that transforms into anything a person may need at that point in time when they walked past the wall three times. It was completely hidden, many students having no idea the room existed. Of course, we as the Marauders knew of the existence, we once hid in here when running from Filch for a prank and have used to it since for our needs.

At this moment in time I needed to get away from life, have some time for myself. I've been feeling down and confused lately, i'm not sure if it was due to my condition or just me in general, I just knew I wanted to be alone. The room transfigured into somewhat of a bedroom, one that I had never seen before. It was huge, a king sized bed against the wall of the room, a fireplace with a crackling fire, a small couch in front of it, and a wide open space in the middle. I trudged over to the couch, laying down, staring up to the ceiling as if filled with an enchanted galaxy above. A blanket fell on top of me, making me feel warm and comfortable.

I lay there for a while, listening to the burning fire whilst being mesmerised by the view displayed above. I heard the door open, footsteps approaching me. I didn't take my eyes of the scene above, allowing the person to come towards me.

"Hey, what are you doing in here?" The voice asked softly, glancing down at me. I switched my gaze to the messy haired boy, smiling half heartedly at him.

"I needed to be alone for a while" I mumbled, closing my eyes briefly.

"Can I join you?" He quizzed, shifting his weight from one foot to another. I hummed, letting him lift my head up, sitting down on the couch, my head falling on his lap. He smoothed my hair out, his gently fingers tracing my features. "What's up? Just feeling a bit down?"


"Okay, me too" He murmured, sighing lightly. We laid there in that position for a few moments, me gazing up at the ceiling, feeling him either play with my hair or run his thumb over my scars. "Come on"

"What?" I mumbled, turning my head to face him, his hazel eyes sparkling.

"I'm going to make you feel better" He announced, lifting me up and on to the floor. I stood there, whilst he went over to the desk doing something I couldn't see. Music began playing and he made his way back over to me, holding his palm out, "Dance with me"

I flickered my eyes down to his hand, back up to his hazel eyes, taking his hand before he immediately twirled me around into his arms, dancing to the music. I laughed gently, cracking a genuine smile when my orbs met his again, watching as he mirrored my expression. Song after song, he spun me around, the both of us having no cares in the world just dancing the time away.

The next song began to play, he joined his hand to mine again, holding his other hand on my waist with mine rested on his shoulder. (Imagine the song was out at the time)

☽𝐌𝐲 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧☽ -ᴊ.ғ.ᴘWhere stories live. Discover now