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Hey guys! This is the sequel to FTAHH. It takes place after the war and I've shed light on mental illnesses like PTSD, depression and anxiety. Ive also enlightened the subject of addiction and the trials and tribulations of trying to get sober. Its a little out there but it could possibly spread awareness. I hope you enjoy reading this fan fic as much as i enjoyed writing it <3

Warnings (sexual situations, drug use and abuse)


The war was over. Harry Potter had defeated Lord Voldemort. It has been in the news for months now. Every week it made the front page. Draco was just over seventeen. He had spent his birthday at trial being a witness for his father. Luckily for the Malfoy's, they had been granted amnesty for their crimes because the Dark Lord was dead.

It was early August and Draco felt out of place. Usually he would be at Diagon Alley getting everything he needed for the upcoming school year at Hogwarts. Unfortunately those days were far behind him. He often thought about how he didn't get a proper graduation. He didn't even get to repeat his last year.

Draco spent the majority of the summer in his room. He hardly ever saw his parents even though they lived together. They also never left the manor. They had been keeping a low profile since the trial. Mostly because it was no secret Lucius was still dabbling in dark magic.

Due to isolation, Draco had become depressed. His bedroom walls became his only friends. He had lost nearly everything that made him happy. Actually, he couldn't remember the last time he had been happy. He wasted his days trying to remember spells he learned in school. He also paced. He paced a lot. Ever since the night he attempted to murder Dumbledore, he felt as if something was missing. It was as if a large part of his mind had been ripped out leaving an empty hole. He spent hours trying to remember what he had forgotten. If he had a remembrall, the smoke would always be red.

When Draco wasn't pacing back and forth in his room, he was having panic attacks. He couldn't close his eyes without picturing what was left of Hogwarts when everything was said and done. Even though the war was over, he still fought a battle in his head everyday. On top of that, he couldn't sleep. His nightmares haunted him everytime he fell asleep. He thought he was better off just lying awake.

It was late one evening and Draco left his room for the first time that day. He walked down the large staircase that he tried his best to avoid.. Walking down all those steps made his legs hurt. He grew weak and fragile from not taking care of himself. He made his way to the kitchen to get a glass of water when he overheard a conversation his parents were having with his aunt Bellatrix Lastrange.

"We must finish out his commission. We made an unbreakable vow to him. We must kill the boy for his redemption." Bellatrix talked as if she was trying to tell a secret but she wasn't being very subtle.

"It's too late for that." Lucius was stern with her. "The war is over."

"It's not over until Harry Potter is dead."

Draco slid down the wall and sat on the floor by the door. He leaned closer so he could hear what they were talking about.

"We aren't strong enough. Besides, he now possesses the Elder Wand. How are we going to get past that?"

Bellatrix grinned, showing off her dirty, crooked teeth. "I have a plan."

Draco's mother Narcissa was quiet for a while before she entered the conversation.

"Even with a solid plan, it will take years to get the boy alone. I'm sure not a day has gone by without the poparazzi bombarding his home. Even if we succeed, we all have ourselves a one way ticket to Azkaban. It's too risky."

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