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Draco was in the middle of the best sleep he had in months. He woke up too soon to the sound of empty bottles clinking together. He opened his eyes to find Hermione was no longer next to him.

"Come on, come on." she whispered to herself as she fumbled around under the bed. She didn't notice that Draco was awake and ran out of her room to the kitchen. Draco was intrigued by her suspicious behavior and quietly followed her down the stairs. He watched her rummage through the cabinets and cupboards for a while before realizing what she was looking for. Draco walked down the rest of the stares and went into the kitchen. Hermione was in a panicked state and was tearing the place apart trying to find a bottle that wasn't empty. All she needed was a little to put her back to sleep. She couldn't handle another nightmare.

To her fortune, she found a bottle of brandy that had been tucked away on a shelf. She screwed off the lid and was about to take a drink before she was interrupted by Draco.

"What are you doing?" She ignored him and continued to take the drink. She was stopped when Draco held her wrist in an attempt to shut down the action. She resisted him and pushed him away hard. He stopped her again.

"You can't keep doing this. I hate seeing you like this."

"What are you my boyfriend now?" Hermione mocked him "You're going to take care of me and make sure i dont ruin my life? Well guess what, it's already ruined. I don't need your help!" she was practically shouting at him as she struggled to get out of his grip.

"I'm not- stop, you're going to hurt yourself!"

"Why do you care?" Hermione started to cry. "Isn't that like your family's greatest wish? To rid all mudbloods like me?"

"You're being irrational. Put the bottle down." Hermione continued to thrash and kick at him. She acted as if nothing was going to stop her from taking that drink.

"Put the fucking bottle down, Hermione!" He was yelling back at her now.

Harry was standing at the kitchen door. He came out to see what all the commotion was.

"What the hell is going on here?" he startled them both. Draco let go of her wrist making her drop the bottle. It fell to the floor and shattered at their feet. "Is he hurting you Hermione?" Hermione shook her head trying to hold back the tears.

"I was just trying to-" Draco was interrupted. Harry was furious.

"Don't make me regret letting you stay here." He pulled out his wand and held it to Dracos neck. Draco tried to swallow the lump in his throat. He was terrified. "Hermione, go back to your room." Hermione left without thinking twice about intervening. She was still upset at Draco for trying to stop her.

"I should've killed you in the bathroom when I had the chance."

"Please, Harry." Draco shut his eyes hoping he would let up a little. "I was just trying to-"

"I don't give a damn about what you were trying to do! If you lay another hand on her I will fucking kill you." Harry lowered his wand and pushed Draco into the counter. "Ron and I are leaving tomorrow morning to go visit his parents. I want you out of here by then. In fact, I never want to see you again." Harry meant to turn away but stopped and punched Draco as hard as he could in the face knocking him out. Draco laid on the broken glass until the next morning.

Draco woke up with an icepack pressed to his eye by Hermione. He couldn't remember how he got on the couch but he could remember how he got like this. He quickly sat up.

"Hermione, I have to get out of here. If Harry sees I'm still here, He'll-" Hermione cut him off.

"Don't worry. They already left. I told them I would wake you up." Draco's eye was throbbing. He felt humiliated. He was supposed to be the one to kill the guy and here he was getting beaten by him.

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