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After a couple weeks, Hermione never felt better. She would get out a couple times a day to read in the garden and could finally eat a meal even if it was just soup and bread. She felt great about her relationship with Draco. He took care of her until she was able to do it on her own. He would run her baths and wash her hair. He would put her to bed and read to her when her headaches were too painful. He would hold her until she fell asleep every night. She was so infatuated she had forgotten the reason why she was there in the first place.

One morning she woke up to a gorgeous gown hanging on the back of the door. It was jet black with a corset top that ended in a V shape. The tulle skirt flowed out from under it. It was the most beautiful dress she had ever seen. She knew it must be for her. She woke up Draco to ask what it was for.

"It's for your ceremony."

"My what?"

"You know, to get your mark." Draco's voice faded.

"Oh. Right." Hermione looked down at her arms. She wondered if she got to choose what arm it went on or if it was always on the left. In that case, her scar would be covered up with a new one. She smiled. Usually the thought of getting branded again made her sad but this time she was excited to get rid of the word once and for all.

"It's tomorrow night. I'd brace myself if I were you. It gets a little intense." Draco looked at his own and traced it with his fingertips. "It took months for mine to heal completely." Hermione traced his mark and kissed it softly. Draco lost his train of thought as he watched her. She looked so naturally beautiful in the morning. He couldn't get enough of her. He then reminded himself that he had a present for her.

"Come with me. I have a surprise for you." Hermione got up and followed him into an extra bedroom. She tried to think about what could possibly be in this room. When he opened the door, she was a little underwhelmed but appreciated the gesture.

In the room were all her things from the shack. On a twin bed was her favorite quilt that her grandmother had made her when she was a child. In an old wooden dresser, all of her clothes were hung up and color coded. Her Gryfindor memorabilia was displayed on shelves and walls of the room. This was probably the sweetest thing he has ever done for her.

"You can still sleep in my bed at night, but now you have a place where you can escape from all the chaos." He looked so proud of himself. 

"Thank you." She gave him a hug as she took it all in. "How did you get everything here?"

"I have my ways. Now go get ready. I can't wait to see you in some of your own clothes." He left and shut the door behind him.

Hermione sat on the bed feeling the quilt. She missed her grandmother. She missed her parents too. She always thought about finding them and restoring their memories but it would be too hard explaining to them where she had been. It's been too long.

She got up and went to the dresser to pick out some clothes. She was excited to wear something other than black. She pulled out a red sundress. It had white flower details, a sweetheart neckline, and ruffled sleeves. It stopped just above her knees and looked so pretty when she spun around. Simple things like this have been bringing her joy lately. She slipped on some sandals and grabbed a book to read in the garden.

She walked outside and breathed in the fresh air. It was almost fall which meant it was almost her birthday. She would be eighteen. The thought of it made her feel bliss. She never thought she would be alive to celebrate it. She walked over to the bench where Draco had given her those flowers before. It was her new favorite place. She cracked open her book and started reading. Minutes turned to hours as she got lost in the pages. She loved the way that books brought her into a different world and she could escape even if it was just for a little bit. She read until the sun set. She lost track of time all day and had almost finished the whole book when Draco approached her.

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