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»I'm going to Lia's house!«
Was all I said to my Dad while he was working in the garden. My Mom was obviously at work.
»You know Lia is always welcomed here, right?«
I nodded.
»I know Dad, we're also often at our place!«
I said defensively.
He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at me for a brief moment before he went back to work on Hailey's chair. She crashed hers somehow.
»Yes, everytime you know that Mom isn't home!«
Who could blame me?
I didn't say anything for a couple of seconds.
Was all I answered. Why lie?
He sighed.

»Mom loves you, I hope you know that. I think it would hurt her knowing what you just said.«
I shook my head.
»It's different. I'll give you an example,
I started talking.
»Dad, would you proud of me if I wouldn't become a doctor?«
He stood up and put both of his hands on my shoulders.
»Harper, what kind of question is that? I'm always proud of you, every second of my life.«
I smiled at him and pulled him into a short hug.
»See, that is the difference!«

He sighed again.
»Oh Harper, that's not the truth! Mom just thinks you want to become a doctor, she thinks you're going to regret your decision, that you don't want to get into medicine when you're older. Just talk to her about what you really want to do in the future, I bet she'll understand if you're serious about it!«
I started to walk to the exit of our garden.

»It is dad, but that's not a problem! I love you way more than I love her. We all have our preferences. She favors Hailey. I favor you. It's as easy as that and the sooner you accept that, the sooner you will find peace with that.«
I made a short break between the lines.

»I won't be home late!«
I shouted.
»Alright, love you!«
»Love you too!«
I said to him and walked down the street.

My Dad was always the more empathetic parent. He is that type of person that isn't able to sleep when he fought with someone.
He always says 'I love you' as a goodbye because he's scared something would happen and his final words would just be 'bye'.

When I was little we used to go swimming in the Michigan river and played football together on weekends.
I loved our weekend trips.
I was sixteen when my wisdom teeth got removed, he slept with me in my bed for three days because it hurted a lot and he didn't want me to be alone.

We sometimes even made trips with Hailey and Mom to the Ringwood forest to go hiking. Most of the time, Mom and Hailey stayed at the water and Dad and I went hiking. He put me on his shoulders and I felt like I was on top of the world.

He was the best dad. The best parent.
I don't think my Mom ever stood a chance against him.


I looked at the little snip, Justin gave me after school, to make sure I was in front of the right house. It looked like a typical, ordinary house of an ordinary family.
Plymouth, an ordinary city for families.

After ringing on the bell for some seconds, I heard different kinds of voices and someone opened the door. Justin.
»Hey Harper!«
he said and smiled while gesturing me with his hands to come in.

»Hey! So with what are we going to start? psychology or music?«
I asked while I took off my jacket.
»Damn, so formal!«
Suddenly, a women began to make her way, from the living room, towards us.
»You must be Harper, I'm Patricia!«
was all she said and stretched out her hand. Finally someone.

»Yes I am, thank you!«
»Justin told me you're helping him in psychology, that's so nice!«
she said meanwhile drying dishes with a towel.
I laid my eyes on Justin for a couple of seconds before answering,
»Of course! I need help in music and he's phenomenal at it so I thought why don't we just help each other.«
She nodded with a smile and looked at Justin again.
»Tell me when you guys need anything!«
He rolled his eyes frustratingly.
»Yes Mom, I will.«

What if we met in 5 years? | JUSTIN BIEBERWhere stories live. Discover now