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I was laying in my bed and tried to start writing on my extra work for history. I put some music on low volume as it was already past 11PM, my parents were already sleeping. Hailey probably too, she wasn't a night owl.
We sometimes sleep in each other's rooms when we're home alone, it's not really that much of a difference since they're next to one another but it's more of a "not being alone" thing.

After more than one hour, I put my history work away and starred at the ceiling which is fully covered with my starry sky projector. It was a christmas gift when I was 15 and I still love it.

I fell asleep after a couple of minutes, when my projector went off. Chemistry was canceled tomorrow, thank gods. Which means, I got another hour of more sleep. And I was so tired. I had to start with studying for my french and math classes soon, I wish I wouldn't need to care that much about them.

I woke up in the middle of the night to my phone lighting up next to me. I grabbed it with almost closed eyes and tried to somehow identify the text message.
It was Justin.
"Hey little miss sunshine, can we hang out on thursday instead? I'm kinda busy on wednesday.«
I rubbed my eyes and immediately furrowed my eyebrows.
He's the reason that I'm getting grey hair at the age of 17.
»Are you kidding me Justin?! and no, I have ballet on thursdays!«
I texted him back and trued to go back to sleep immediately, but he texted me within seconds.
»How can you be this pissed at 4AM geez? Then let's say tomorrow.«
I rolled my eyes.
»Then maybe don't wake me up at 4AM genius?«
»And yes I'm free tomorrow.«

I actually should start with studying for my tests but my Mom is most likely not going to get home before 9PM, so she wouldn't notice.
After I didn't see my phone light up after some more seconds, I went back to sleep. Or at least, I tried. I started to think about the DNA test of my parents again and about the fact that I couldn't find any baby photos of me with my mom. Could I be adopted?, popped off in my head, but that couldn't be.
I immediately scratched that idea.
Hailey and I looked like twins when we were younger and still have similar features.

Yesterday, my Mom said that the test will probably arrive in two days, so whatever the result of it was: I hoped to get some informations. I sounded like the worst detective on earth but if I was being honest, I didn't even want to search through my history because I was scared what I could find, but my parents were behaving way to strange to not get suspicious.


I walked into school with my breakfast in my hand and went to my locker. Lia and I don't share chemistry so I had to walk alone, which was unfamiliar.
As I got my books out of the locker for my next class, I saw Celia opening her's a few feet apart from me.
After she turned her head to me, I said,
and looked at her as I closed my locker.
»Hey Harper!«
Celia answered and turned her head back to her locker.
»Should we walk to class together?«
I asked her and she nodded with a smile.

As I said, we shared many classes together, and algebra was one of them.

We walked through the hallway and she told me about her newest crush in school. While we were walking past Emily, Carla and their other friends, I could feel Emily's stare on me. I knew they were going to talk about me as soon as we would be out of their sight but I still didn't get her problem with me. We used to ignore each other for months until a few weeks ago.

Celia and I turned into the hallway in which our class was and I immediately saw Justin standing there with his friends. Caleb was also in my algebra class, which was probably why they were standing in front of the classroom.
I ate the croissant my Dad bought me from the bakery, as he did almost every day, and wanted to walk past them in the most normal way possible.
»Not even a good morning or hello, sleeping beauty?«
Justin began to talk as I was about to walk into the classroom. I took some steps back and watched Celia walk into the room without me.
»Not when you're the reason I am sleepy!«
I answered and rolled my eyes as I slowly walked over to him.
His friends turned their heads to the both of us and laughed.
»Pardon, Capwell?«
Caleb asked with a grin and I rolled my eyes.
»Not like that Caleb, fuck off!«
I replied to him and laughed.

What if we met in 5 years? | JUSTIN BIEBERWhere stories live. Discover now