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"YOU FUCKING THAT SHIT UPPPPPPP" connie watches you fuck up some tenders from golden chick. he records you as you stick up the middle finger.

"its good?" he questions before busting out laughing again "fuck you connie." he scoots closer "not even bout to lie, im tryna fuck"

"get the fuck on somewhere boaa" you respond with a roll of your eyes. your phone suddently dings as connie kisses your cheek softly. you look down and see hanges name over the text "hey can we meet up tomorrow, i wanted to ask you something"

you reply back "sure, where at?"  "ma's cafe" "ill see you tomorrow"  "good night beautiful"  your eyebrows slightly raise at their sudden boldness. you reply back with a simple goodnight in response. "im so sleepy" connie sighs and lays back "go to sleeppp"


YOU SIT IN A BOOTH, WAITING FOR HANGE AS YOU PLAY BITLIFE ON YOUR PHONE. you look up as the bells to the cafe ring, seeing hange walk right through. they wear a green sweater, and some jeans. they look yummyyyyyyyyyyy but the best part is their hair was half up half down.. giving sexy.

"ah, sorry im late aurora.. you look amazing" hange looks at you sitting down. "thank you, you look so good as well" you stand up and give them a hug, they return the hug and sit down... manspreading. OOOOUUWEEEEEEE.

"how did you sleep" hange starts convo, you already feel bored. you speak up and say "pretty good. me and connie had a little sleepover"

hanges face kinda goes blank, then they nod their head "oh thats nice"

"very" you instantly regret not telling connie where you were going and who you were meeting up with. you guys werent together yet but were together.

it was complicated, but things were good how they were.. you guys were taking it slow.

yeah hange was an attractive person but you personally werent into getting to know hange romantically. "what do you want to eat?" "uhhh, ill take a coffee." you speak, as your phone dings.

connie baeeee💗



                                                                                       i went to the cafe, i jus wanted to get

outta the house

ohhhh okay, ill see you
  when you get home



you regret lying, but how could you explain agreeing to go on a date with the person he warned you about.

as hange approches the table with your coffee, they put it on the table sitting next to you, sliding in.

"so how has college been treating you?" they speak, making a spark in the convo "pretty good actually, ive been taking online courses and its better than in person."

they hum, nodding their head. sipping on the hot chocolate they ordered. "this shit hot as fuck" they laugh removing it from their mouth. the bells ring again as three people walk in which you dont pay attention to who.

"law school correct?"

you nod your head, and sip your coffee. after thirty minutes of talking to hange, you start to leave as hange walks you out.

you pick up your purse and head out, hange following behind you. they walk you to your car. "it was nice seeing you aurora, im looking forward to having time with you again"

"me too." hange leans in for a hug, and you lean into it as well. hange smells you slightly, they couldnt help it. you smelt like coconut ( coconut >>> ) .

little did you know someone was watching from a table on the inside ..

as hange opens and closes the door for you and walks away, someone bangs on the window scaring you. your eyes tear away from the chat with drea, you turn and see connie with a blank face. he mouths "unlock the door"

your heart starts beating fast and you unlock it. he opens the door and says "get in the passengers" you begin to speak "you bout to get my seats clean?"

he ignores you and makes eye contact with you "whatever aurora." you roll your eyes and crawl over the seat. he gets in the drivers seat, puts in the keys and starts driving.

"what the hell was that?" he talks, trying to make his face as clear as day. ill kill you by summer walker and jhene aiko plays in the back as you try to figure out what to say.

"what do you mean?"

he side eyes you "you know what the hell i mean" you dont respond but just stay silent. he laughs in response and snatches thee phone out of your hand.

"dont snatch nothing outta my hand"

"or what?" he speaks, keeping his eyes on the road. "ima fuck you up, thats whats gonna happen nigga."

"me estas estresando aurora" he sighs, rolling up the sleeves to his jacket then speaking. "if you know were talking, hitting it off. its been like this with us for 2 months now, why would you go out with someone you know wants you?"

translation: "youre stressing me out aurora"

"i didnt think it would be a big dea-"

"well it is aurora" he cuts you off. "what the hell went through your mind when you agreed to this and fucking lied to me"

"i didnt lie i just-" you stop and look over "i didnt think that it would be a issue, but it was. im sorry constance, im not intrested in hange at all. i only agreed because i didnt want to be rude considering i have to see them all the time"

"its okay, next time can you let me know? i felt hurt when i saw you hug them, you knew they had interest in you and didnt care if i was in the picture or not" he starts "i forgive you, but when we get home.. go straight to the room."





sorry i took so long to update, i got my fucking phone . im lowkey bad asf but im prob not gonna get it back any time soon so im on my laptop, im also tryna manage writing into my track calender.

excuse any mistakesssss . i love you guys, im working on a new update rn sooooo

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