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he watches you sit on your ass, looking for him to get up and treat you right. "come here" he calls you over with a small wave.

you listen to him, standing up and standing in front of him. he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you in.

"i'm here." you massage his shoulders as he looks up at you. something in him wanted to be submissive to you but that was another thing for another time.

he grabs your ass with his large hands. your mouth falls open from the force. "strip me. show me how bad you want me." he smirks at you, watching you submit.

you go to take off the wife beater, sliding it over his head. this transition was hasty, after the white flashes over his eyes he's greeted with your lips.

aquatinted by the weeknd plays as your hands go to his waist, pulling the string. he lifts up a little bit and allows you to pull his boxers with his pajama pants.

his dick was hard. it was leaning over the side of his leg and you drop to your knees, ready to give.

you plant kisses from his base all the way up to his tip before he breathes in and stops you by grabbing your chin.

"i was just playing baby, go get on the bed. it's your time, i owe it to you" he stands up and walks you to the bed.

you get up and walk slowly to the bed as he holds your arm up looking at your ass. you get on the bed and lay on you back, your chest huffing up and down from nervousness.

he gets on the bed, grabbing your legs and making your feet touch the bed flat. he looks you in your eyes and kisses your lips before going down between your legs and kissing your other lips.

your body jolts a bit before he connects his tongue to your soaking clit. his two fingers slide into you, slowly thrusting.

his long lanky fingers move like water, in a c motion. you breathe out, humming out in pleasure.

his fingers trail every spot inside of your pussy before finding the spot that he had over simulated multiple times.

he goes faster, hitting your g-spot. "fuck, constance." he continues, his dick getting harder and harder with your whines.

he groans before removing his fingers. he takes off the nike tech he was wearing before, to only be left in a wife beater and a silver chain.

you moan, looking at his lips. he licks them again before putting your legs around his shoulders.

this was his signature move, after he gets done with before he gives you the bombest head to top it off. but you had a feeling that he might not be done no time soon.

he holds your thighs in place as his tongue starts to touch your folds. he starts by flicking his tongue, the room fills with low music and the sound of your moans.

his thick lips kiss your pussy lips, inserting his tongue over and over. you try to move, and he adds a hard grip on your thighs to keep you in place.

"where you think you going mama?" he speaks through damn near drowning.

"nowhere baby. keep going" you mutter, his face nearly gets suffocated with your thighs wrapped around his head. he loved your thick thighs, he loved when you damn near killed him.

no matter how hard it got to breathe he still ate you out like he never ate before.

"connie, i'm so close" you breathe out, moving like a fish out of water. you try to get up, the pleasure being too unbearable.

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