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CONNIE PANTS AS SWEAT trails down his back, chest and arms

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CONNIE PANTS AS SWEAT trails down his back, chest and arms. "hit it harder connie. cmon" lily says to him as he punches her hands hard.

he groaned, and breathe out giving his all into focusing on the hitting her hand with the boxing gloves. "okay, lets take five and start again" she walks to the counter getting a water bottle trying to throw her hips.

lily was also dominican, she was pretty tall as well, she stood at 5'11 and had a pretty curvy frame. she has black curly hair and white skin "you sure?"

connie mumbles a yeah and starts hitting the bag harder, letting out all the stress he's been holding in .

"one two, one two" he counts as he throws in combos. he missed boxing too much so he wanted to retry, starting fresh.

she walks climbs back into the ring getting in as connie pays no attention to her whatsoever.

his head turns to the direction of the door to see you, in a pink juicy track suit. he smirks a bit before looking at all the other thirsty men watch you. he starts to take of the boxing gloves.

you hold raising caines bags in your hands. you watch as connie moves out of the ring, walking towards you. sweat drips from off of his body, his skin glistening.

"whats up mamá" he tries to hug you before you hold a finger to his chest. he laughs then kisses your forehead. "you're so sweaty"

"how was your- " you begin to talk before getting cut off by a female.

you look to see lily, she smirks and puts her hand out to you "hi, i'm lily" she stands a few inches shorter than connie.

( connie is tall as shit ,  6'4 and she's 5'11 )

"hi lily, i'm aurora" you shake her hand and smile at her. she was pretty.

"this is my trainer" he speaks, looking you in the eye. he does this thing with his eyebrows then rolls his eyes.

you fight the urge to laugh as he breathes out. "let me go change then i'll be back"

he walks away, then coming back with a black t shirt and black sweats. he had a black beanie over his head, and that chain dangled from his neck as he picked up his duffle bag.

he walks with you and when you get to the car he opens the door for you. trust by brent faiyaz plays in the back as you drive to your house in silence.

connie mumbles along with the lyrics and taps your thigh.

—— *——


*insert tiktok*

@ilyconnie: no magnum , jus raw🤝

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mirandasings: fuck me .

lillybaby_: hey connie, i found you 🙋🏻‍♀️

_auroraaa_: 😍😍😍 what you tryna do connie ?
    ilyconnie: whatever you tryna do mama

you look up from your phone and look down at connie who lays in between your legs. he quietly puts his face into your thighs.

you turn up the tv and start to pay attention to princess in the frog. "this shit piss me off, the only black princess is a frog for 80% of the movie" he looks up at you and agrees. "yeah"

he grabs his phone and goes into instagram in boredom, he opens it to see two pictures of you.

"why are you so fineeeee" he sings. "your so fine baby" he makes up a song to you.

"i'm pretty sure you know, but girl you're so beautifulllll"

( it's giving middle school connie 🙎🏾‍♀️)

yooooo, this was just a filler, but i'm updating again this week. it's gonna be a long chap, i didn't really know what to put here, i just wanted to make it known that connie's gonna start boxing again.

excuse any mistakes.

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