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would you still love me if i was a lizard?

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would you still love me
if i was a lizard?


fr baby? is that how you feel abt me

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fr baby?
is that how you feel abt me

i don't think i can kiss
a lizard sweetheart

we can make it work

it doesn't matter because
you're not turning into a lizard.

i'm turning rn.
i feel the scales

baby, your skin is just dry. go
get my shea butter from
out of the counter.

 go get my shea butter from out of the counter

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you made it to connie's house and it was empty, nobody else was there except for him. you guys were probably gonna watch movies.

you see him in the kitchen, in the refrigerator. he thought about something as he reached in. you placed the groceries on the counter and went behind him, hugging him by the waist.

he turns around and places a peck on your lips "did you buy rice cakes?" he ask you and you nod your head.

he kisses the top of your head and picks you up, putting you on the counter. he get in between your legs and looks you in your eyes.

he kisses your neck slowly " connie, all we've been doing is fucking non stop. are u not tired?"

he doesn't stop "nope, we gotta make up for those four months we missed out on." he unzips your jacket and starts kissing your collarbone.

you breathe out and he bites you softly. he pushes you back on the big marble counter and puts up your shirt, kissing your stomach.

"cmon guys.. not on the counter" eren and andrea walk in the front door. connie looks at them and continues what he was doing and you push him off, cursing at him.

"get freaky deaky in the bed" eren scolds you and connie. you get off the counter and start laughing "i'm so sorry"

"what if we don't work out.." you slowly say, and he looks over at you "don't speak like that" he turns to his side.

"i want to be with you forever." he tucks your hair behind your ear. "don't you want to be with me..?" he trails on.

you don't answer, but just look into his eyes "forever is a long time.. don't you think ?"

his smile kinda drops a little bit "yeah.. but it doesn't matter how long i want to be with you." you hum and kiss his forehead.

"do you feel the same?" his voice goes lower, and he pulls your face closer. "to be honest.. i really don't know."

he looks into your eyes "what's so confusing about that?"

"the idea of being with someone forever is a long time.. i don't know if this is a bit of a reach but i feel like we're moving too fast." you sit up.

"w-we can take it slower" he sits up and looks into your eyes. "no.. the first time was supposed to be slow."

"let go of the past aurora." he raises his voice a little bit "okay.. watch your tone with me. and i can't let go of the past connie.. that's the problem"


"you broke me for so long.. it was 3 months before i could fully feel beautiful, go out, have fun, look at other guys without feeling guilty." you start " i know you're tired of hearing the same thing but i really can't let this go. everytime i look at you i think of that day."

tears start to well in your eyes as you look at him, he looks at you with sad eyes. "i keep apologizing repeatedly aurora. i mean it so much."

"i know you do connie. but that doesn't take away from the fact that you degraded me so much, hell, even almost called me a whore over something so stupid." you chuckled and looked around.

"i'm sorry. what can i do?" he stands up and walks to your side of the bed. he drops to his knees and you just look around. "nothing."

"aurora." he just sits on his knees, looking up at you. "connie.. imagine how i felt. when you walked off and ghosted me." your voice cracked.

you wanted to forget it so bad but you couldn't. no matter how much you wished to let it go it you just couldn't, the connie heartbreak on top of the justin heartbreak in less than a year just made you feel like you were less than you are.

you teared up everytime you thought of it. his voice cracks as he speaks up "i'm so sorry baby. i'll do anything"

ever since that day you've made one deal with yourself.. make constance springer pay.

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