changing world

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Ch.4 a changing world

After my family and I left we started to travel around the world. Along our travels we found four new

members to our clan. Two where this sugar gliders we found while we were in Australia; we

wanted to know what would happen and they seemed small enough to control, and we were

horribly wrong. They were are little demons at first we couldn't control them; they finally started to

calm down when we found out they also ate fruit which kept them calm. Katherine kept the female

calling her Abby, and Sophie kept the male naming him Thor. There is a draw back to vampire

sugar gliders if someone who has just eaten a lot of sugar comes near them their as good as

dead. The other two members used to be normal human males; the first one is named William

Katherine chose him without him knowing it was quite amusing to watch what happened, but that's

another story. William has scruffy light brown hair, his face gentle yet strong, big blue eyes, and his

body structure was thick and full of muscle with broad shoulders and sturdy legs; he was one of the

sweetest guys you'll meet the perfect mate for Katherine. The other males name is John he is

silent, stern, and nice; his body tall, lean, his face like stone, and he has soft green eyes. John

reminds me of a soldier stiff, yet gentle; his relationship with Sophie was very sweet something

people would pay to watch. We were all glad to have all of them with us; Dad seemed relieved not

to by the only man anymore. As all of us traveled we witnessed the fall and rise of many great men

and evil men. We tried to stay away from wars, but there only two which we took part in World War 1

and World War 2 the girls and I were nurses, Will and John were soldiers, and Dad was a doctor of

course. Along with traveling and lending a hand it was only natural that we meet with a bunch of

higher clans, and they all wanted to fight us so with the added powers of Will and John; William can

look at someone body and can tell the weak point so if he knows exactly were to hit, and the John

can turn himself invisible so he can sneak up on you without even trying. Our clan quickly rose from

the bottom to one of the most powerful clan; other clan's were terrified even though we never gave

them a reason to fear us. When we came upon a clan in need we helped them to the best of our

abilities; some of the clan's higher than us started to despise us they would try to find a reason to

destroy us, but not ever finding a good reason. When the Modern Age came my family started to

settle down somewhere in North America. We finally settled in a tiny town in Colorado; the house

we bought was on the edge of town covered by trees there was a little pond near the back of our

propriety. It was a fairly large house brick on the outside and wood flooring on the inside. Dad got a

job at the hospital in the year 2011; I started to attend the local high school, but my brothers and

sisters went to the college in a town called Boulder. It wasn't that I needed to attend school it was

something to do during the day. So that we wouldn't go crazy and eat people we went hunting every

weekend now that all of us weren't young vampires so we could eat all animals now. I start school

tomorrow its like the hundredeth time I've had to start school and every time i get nervous.

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