what now (vivian pov)

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Ch.18 (Vivian pov) what now

I took care of him while he was out. I called his grandfather who was worried sick about him I told him it would be best not to move him, and that he wasn't awake yet. His grandfather came over ever day he told Lucas' little sister that he was away on a little senior field trip to Washington, she bought it because as seniors this year we really hadn't done that much.

“You are very special to Lucas. His told me every detail of your face.” he said laughing.

His grandpa and I had spent a lot of time together while Lucas was out. He is quite a funny man, but he felt sorry that he and Lucas' relationship had been shaky. When Lucas woke up the first thing he said was,

“Where's Vivian?” he asked like a little boy.

“I'm right here.” I held his hand.

“And don't forget me.” his Grandpa broke in his so funny.

Lucas was only out for two days, but it felt like much longer. Dad told Lucas all of his injures and,

“You hurt my little girl and these injures wont be your only problem.” his said letting his eyes turn red for dramatic affect.

“I wont hurt your daughter uummm, sir.” he looked at me and smiled.

Dad gave a smile and walked away a little skip in his step for scaring a werewolf.

“Don't worry about Dad he likes pretending to be big and bad, but his harmless.. sort of.” I laughed.

“Oh well I owe him. When can I get out of bed?” he tried getting out but fell back in pain.

“Does that answer your question. How did you sleep.” I put some pillows behind his head.

“Fine you were there and it was nice, but it doesn't compare to the real thing.” he looked straight in my eyes.

“So the pain killers help a lot.” I joked.

“They helped a lot, but they didn't affect my dream. How did you get away with no scars?” he said looking at my arm.

“Vampires heal quickly, unlike stupid werewolves.” I said falling on the bed.

Lucas' arm was in a cast and he had bandages everywhere. He looked like a torn up doll, it was kind of cute in a pitiful way.

“How long until I can move.” I could he was bored.

“I could go get a movie from downstairs, or something?” I wanted this to be as enjoyable as possible.

“What do you have?” he asked.

“What's your favorite movie?” I asked we had a lot of movies so odd are we had whatever he wanted.

“Iron Man?” he said,

“Okay, I'll go get it. Don't move or no Iron Man for you.” I said putting my hands on my hips.

“Yes Sir!” he saluted with his good hand.

I ran downstairs and grabbed the movie, as I went back upstairs I noticed Lucas' grandpa sitting looking out into the woods,

“Are you okay?” I went over to him.

“You must have smelled the cancer by now.” his eyes field with sorrow.

“Yes, I have smelled it on you.” I sat down next to him.

“Is it getting worse?” he looked at me with hope.

I didn't want to tell him the truth, but I couldn't lie to him either,

“Yes, in all honesty you should be in the hospital. Why aren't you?” I wondered why he was asking me didn't he know?

“I couldn't do that to Lucas and Kristie. Lucas can take care of himself now that his eighteen, but Kristie would have to leave with her aunt who lives New York. I've already told her that Kristie would go with her and it would be up to him. Money isn't a real issue and I know now that his found you what he'll do, but he will probably fight to keep Kristie don't let him promise you will.” he coughed.

I had to stop my breathing from the smell of it, but I wasn't tempted to drink any thing of it.

“Why don't you want him to keep her?” I couldn't understand.

“Kristie needs things that Lucas can't give her, I don't want to separate them I really don't. They really won't be apart, but he needs to stay here with his pack and with you.” he started coughing harder.

“Why are you telling me this, why not Lucas?” I was puzzled.

“Because I need you to take care of him for me, since your immortal you can do that.” this surprised me he never really treated me like I was different.

“I will won't he be immortal too?” he seemed so wise I wished I could help him more, but I could tell it was to late.

“Yes, he will so so think of all the things he can get into with all that time. Werewolves live as long as their mates do when they die so do they.” I laughed at the beginning, but became sober at the end.

“Okay that makes sense, but you have to do something for me.” I looked him straight in the eye.

“What is that?” he looked at me puzzled.

“Let Dad check you out just in case okay?” I stated plainly.

“Okay, I will once Lucas can get out of bed.” he held out his hand.

“Deal.” I said then we shook.

“Do you want to be lift alone or come watch a movie with us?” I offered.

“I'll be up in a minute, I want to enjoy the view.” he said dreamily.

I left him and went upstairs to Lucas,

“What took you so long?” he had a big smile on his face.

“I had to find it, besides it wasn't that long anyway.” I put in the movie.

We watched it I couldn't fully enjoy being rapped in Lucas' arms, I couldn't stop thinking about his Grandpa and how he knew he was dying, yet he brought no attention to himself. It was all to change, but maybe he already knew he was going to die. Had he come to terms with dying and how long did he have, maybe Dad could shed some light on it.

“I never dreamed we would be doing stuff like this; it's weird don't you think?” he said looking into my eyes.

“It feels weird, but I could get used to it. How do you feel?” I said getting closer.

“Yea werewolves heal fast too. I should be better by tomorrow.” he started removing bandages and underneath everything was healed.

“I thought you couldn't get up this morning?” I asked.

“Well I couldn't, but I can now.” he said shrugging.

“Weird, I guess we can remove your cast now.” I gave an evil grin putting my hands on his cast.

“What a second doesn't your Dad need to do that?” he looked worried.

“He can put it back on if its needed.” then I ripped it off.

“That feels a lot better, I've needed to scratch my arm for awhile.” he flexed his arm its muscles bulging.

“Looks healed to me. Do you feel like going downstairs?” I started to get off the bed.

“I feel like going for a run to test everything out. Do you think your Dad would mind?” he got up to.

“If you feel well enough too, but you need to change your clothes are on the dresser see you when your done.” I said then left the room.

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