come on. (Vivian pov)

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Ch.24 (Vivian pov) Come on.

“Kayla what the heck was that.” I said I thought the boys apology was good.

“I know I and I do forgive him. I just want him to suffer a little more.” Kayla smiled.

“Your an evil genus.” Katie laughed.

“I know, I needed a little revenge. Before the dance Morgan made fun of how sparkly my dress was.” I said an evil grin crept on her face.

“Good I thought for a moment you had lost your mind.” I said with all honesty.

“Nope, I have a reason thus time.” Kayla said hands on hips.

“How long are going to make him suffer for?” Katie asked looking to see what time it was.

“Tomorrow.” Kayla said yawning

After we got changed Katie and Kayla went to bed. It was weird watching them sleep, Kayla tossed and turned saying Morgan's name and Katie slept peacefully a smile on her face. It was quite entertaining to watch how their faces went through so many different emotions, so that kept my mind busy the rest of the night.'s note.......................................................................................

hi everyone whats your thoughts so far and whose your favorite character, until at least 2 people

answer my questions i then will post more. please vote or like and thank you for reading ;D


In the morning Kayla called Morgan and let him off the hook saying she had thought it over and she forgave him. We could hear him singing Justin Beiber to her,

“You’re pushing it buddy.” She said hanging up after a couple of “no you hang up”.

I wanted to be with Lucas alone, it had been awhile since we had been all alone. I said my good-byes and went to go be with Lucas. I found him at the hospital with his grandfather, his death was near but I didn’t have the heart to tell Lucas.

“Hi good looking.” I said walking into the room.

“Vivian don’t say that with Lucas in the room, he might get jealous of my good looks.” His grandpa laughed.

“Oh my we’ve been caught.” I said dramaticly

“The two people I trust the most, going behind my back” Lucas said glumly

“Enough playing around I need to check up on my favorite patient.” A nurse interrupted our performance.

“Why hello Fran,” Grandpa said sitting up.

“That’s nurse Fran to you mister.” She said putting her hands on her hips.

As the check-up was conducted Lucas’s grandfather started shifting and coughing. Fran got a worried expression then she ran out of the room yelling “Doctor!”. As she left Lucas ran over to the bed asking,

“Grandpa are you okay? Grandpa?” Lucas looked worried.

All I could do is look on and wait for the doctor. The doctor ran into the room,

“Get him an air tube now!” he grabbed the tube from a nurse who had just entered the room.

I grabbed Lucas so that the doctors could help his choking grandpa. A nurse told us to leave, so I grabbed Lucas and headed for the woods in the back of the hospital. Lucas was sobbing, I felt so helpless I wanted to tell him it would be alright and his grandfather would live. I couldn’t lie to him I gave his grandpa a week at the most.

“Lucas.” I said hoping for him to talk.

“I’m sorry Vivian I know you would help if you could, but I also know that you know how long he has lift. Please tell me?” I looked into my eyes I couldn’t lie to him even if he wasn’t a werewolf.

“A week at the most.” I said looking down at the ground.

He grabbed me harder and started shaking me,

“LUCAS STOP!” I screamed.

“That can’t be true it can’t!” he yelled in my face.

“It’s not up to me how long he lives, please stop you’re starting to hurt me.” I said trying to break free.

He put me down and fell to the ground and started crying,

“I’m sorry; I don’t want to lose him yet. I was hoping he would be able to see us get married, I know it was a long shot, but still.” I bent down to his level.

“He still can.” I said Lucas jerked his head up.

“You can’t turn him into a vampire.” He said fear in his eyes.

“No, I wouldn’t put that curse on him. We could get married before school is over tomorrow in fact.” I said hugging him.

“You would do that?” he asked.

“Yes, and we could go on our honeymoon during this summer.” I said.

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