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Ch.3 revenge

“So I can't stop you can I can I?” Dad asked a sliver of hope still remained in his voice.

“No you said one human, and I get to choice the one I want.” I said,

Firmly getting annoyed he had been trying to stop me from doing this ever since I had told him what I was planning.

“She’s not going to listen Dad; she’s as stubborn as a mule.” Katherine said this almost proudly,

she was ready for tonight. All of us were feeling ready animals helped, yet from what I heard they didn’t taste as good as humans. The taste in my mouth had grown unbearable; I was ready Katherine had trained me for tonight I was ready.

“Lets go I can’t wait anymore.” I said growing impatient

“Alright fine be careful with what you do tonight; you have the rest of your life to live with it.” James said the worry deep in his voice.

“I won’t do anything that he doesn’t deserve.” I said my voice changing with my body into its attack mode.

As we raced through the woods I was remembering little Zack remembering how he loved to hug my knees when I came home from work and his giggles. Before we could get to the village we were stop by a higher clan,

“What do you think your doing here?” it was a male who spoke his voice high and sharp. His was lean and tall really pale, and the clothes he and his clan mates were all wearing fancy dresses, pants, and shirts shiny like gold with red velvet.

“What class are they Frances?” asked a woman, her body was bulky, short, and she had long wavy hair that wrapped around her shoulders. There were about 6 of them; all of them were either tall or short they cared themselves proudly they seemed snooty.

“Very low Juliet, don’t bother yourselves with begging for mercy or anything go back to the cave from which you came.” After he said this they laughed at us like we were the bigger freaks; he chose the wrong night to mess with my family and I. Rage started to build before leaping on Frances I took a moment to read him and his party. Frances as a force field and Juliet could scream so loud your head would burst; the others were a mix of force fields and voice powers.

“We could take you on easy you pompous wind bags!” I threatened,

James gave me a stern look, but I was ready known of us were going to back down.

“Big talk from someone so new. Do you know who we are?” he asked haughtily.

“I know that you’re a social climber. I bet your clan hasn’t fought one battle.” Sophie said threatening.

“You can’t talk to him that way!” said Juliet shocked by us standing up for ourselves.

“Can’t we just go our separate ways without a fight?” Dad asked hopefully.

“You should train your little rats better now out of our way!” after speaking this Frances pushed Dad down; Dad didn’t expect this or he would have moved. Well that tears it no one pushes my father! At this I through myself at Frances only to be stopped by Juliet who then through me into a tree; it then snapped in half falling to the ground with a crash. Then Sophie lifted up one of the males who started screaming as she through him through the forest; Katherine took on Juliet who was yelling at the top of her lungs. Dad had gone for Francis by grabbing him from the back of the neck then slamming him to the ground it made a deep hole. The others were standing there wide-eyed and mouths opened shocked that such a little clan would take them on. I jumped on Juliet to help Katherine, but before I had the chance Katherine and Sophie had already torn her to pits. When Francis saw this, his shriek must have been heard through the whole forest.

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