6 - Black Magic That He Couldn't Do

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You might think...that Claude loved Selene too much that after losing her, he would use any means to forget her because thinking about her leaving this world...leaving him..would be too much for Claude to bear

At first, he planned to use black magic to forget her, before realizing

That he was already in contact with it before she died...and he couldn't do anything about it

And...it all started

Claude tried to use the dark mana to forget her. But the moment he activated the spell, he immediately felt so much pain. It's as if... forgetting Selene would be more painful than remembering her. He used every method he could, and ended up fainting from the excruciating pain it gives him, worrying Felix to the core

Even until now, he suffers from his wife's death. The memories they both made together since they first met were precious to him. Like how Selene was the first person to say such unexpected words towards his name. She never cared about his name..only him...as a person..as Claude

He lives the life of pain, mentally and physically after Selene's death...until she came

Selene and his daughter, Anastasia. Selene would tell him about her future visions of their child. Saying that she looked exactly like her except for her jewel blue eyes that she inherited from him. Ever since she came back to him..the child whom he thought died along with her mother, the child that he swore to give love to and protect

His pain stopped

Every time she comes in close contact with him, his headaches are gone, his mind becomes clearer, and he could relax at how comforting his atmosphere was every time she comes to his view. Like her mother, they both are the only people that could ease his pain

He never knew exactly how and why, but he often assumes that it was their divine mana that relieves the pain temporarily


And he also realized another thing...every time he sleeps in Anastasia's side, he would have Selene in his dreams, either a part of their memories, or just his imagination. So as a result, he ordered Anastasia to move in Selene's personal bedroom. The room beside the room he sleeps on

That way, it's easy for him to call Anastasia to his room


"Lately, Daddy has been very clingy to Unnie. Even go so far to move her to the Empress's bedroom"
Athanasia spoke out. She did notice one thing about her father. He was possessive towards Anastasia. Always wanting her by his side and constantly angered everytime Anastasia wasn't with him in his free time after he finishes his work

Lucas kept eating the fruits on the table while he watches Athy worry for her sister

'I mean, that idiot probably did something to make him cling unto her...'
Lucas thought while he wanders of to his thoughts

"Ah! That reminds me. Lucas, how did you meet Unnie? The last time I saw you both, you looked like you have known each other for a long time?"
She longed wanted to ask this question. Ever since she saw both of them acting like a pair of old friends, she wanted to know more about their relationship

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