Chapter eleven

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A/N: Hi guys, so I just wanted to say that i've no idea what I'm trying to achieve with this chapter and it's also very sloppy and fluffy so yeah. I hope you enjoy it. I'm sorry if this chapter doesn't make any sense. I'm not very happy with it but I hope you still want to read it. Xx Roos


Danny's P.O.V.

After one drink too much, Rose and I walked back home. Well, you couldn't really call it 'walking'. I could barely stand on my feet. I put my arm around her. "You are beautiful. I knew you were the one when I first saw you. You are just perfect and I don't like to admit it but damn, I really want you, right now." I giggled. I saw her smiling at me. "You're cute when you're drunk" She said. I felt my cheeks becoming red. I hated the fact that I can't control my emotions when I'm drunk.

I opened the door, and Rose guided me upstairs, because I couldn't walk properly. Awkward. "Will you sleep with me?" I looked at her with puppy eyes. She smirked. "I might." She said while she winked at me. Damn, she was the most perfect thing I've ever seen. "But as long as it's only sleeping, if you know what I mean." I frowned. "What do you mean?" I said in an over-dramatically voice, pretending I didn't know what she was talking about. "I guess we both know that you turn into a horny teenager when you're drunk." She undressed and put a t-shirt of mine on. I loved it when she did that; she looks really sexy in my clothes. When I felt her lying down next to me, I felt my eyelids become heavy. I didn't fight the urge to fall asleep. Rose saying goodnight was the last thing I heard that night.

Rose's P.O.V.

I quickly opened my eyes. What the hell was that sound?! I looked beside me and saw Danny lying on his belly with his head buried in his pillow. The sound I heard was Danny snoring. Even in this state he was still cute. I kissed his forehead and walked downstairs. I decided to make him some breakfast. I cooked two eggs and made toast with jam on it. I also made him a glass of orange juice. As finishing touch, I put everything on a tray and placed a flower on top of it. I carefully walked upstairs and put the tray on a drawer next to his bed. I kissed his cheek. "Good morning, beautiful" I whispered softly. Of course he didn't wake up, so I softly shook his shoulders. "Danny, wakey-wakey!" I said, a bit louder this time. Still no reaction. "Earth to Daniel O'Donoghue!" I shook his shoulders a bit harder. When there was still no movement, I walked towards the bathroom and poured some water in a glass. When I got back, I emptied the glass above his head. He finally opened his eyes. "What the fuck?!" He grumbled. "Good morning, babe" I said while I kissed his cheek. I filled the glass with water, again and gave him a paracetamol. "Here, take this. It'll make you feel better" I said. After he'd taken it, he instantly became nicer. "Thanks, babe. I'm feeling better already." He looked at the tray with his breakfast. "Wow, did you make this for me?" He said. His eyes were twinkling. I chuckled. "Yes. You were very nice and gentle to me so I decided to give you something back" He smirked. "You're the best" He pulled me closer and kissed me softly. I can't imagine how I had survived all those years without kissing anyone. Honestly, it was the best feeling in the world when his soft, plump lips touched mine. I placed my hand on his cheek. "I love you" I whispered between the kisses. He smirked against my lips and kissed me once more, this time with more passion. He pulled me onto his lap and I placed my arms around his neck. "You are perfect" He said. I felt my cheeks becoming redder. I chuckled. "Let's eat some breakfast. I'm starving" I said. I realized I had only made him breakfast. I had forgotten about my own stomach. Whoops.

When we were both done eating, I walked towards Danny and sat on his lap, again. "Yesterday was absolutely perfect. I couldn't have wished for a more perfect first kiss." He looked at me and had a huge grin on his face. "Your inexperience is the cutest thing ever." I blushed. "See! You do it again!" I frowned. "Do what?" "Blushing, being shy etcetera. You can be yourself around me, you know that right?" I nodded. He gently stroke my hair out of my face. "You're beautiful." He said with a twinkle in his eyes. I pushed him playfully on his chest. "Stop it" I said shyly. He looked me right in my eyes. I felt like I could drown in those perfect eyes of him. "I mean it. Stop being so insecure, babe. You are perfect just the way you are. I love every inch of you. If someone doesn't like you for who you are, then fuck them. You can't please everyone in life, why waste your time trying? Isn't my appreciation for you enough?" I felt my eyes filling up with tears. Danny was like Shakespeare. He was like a wordsmith. He always knew the right words to say on the right occasion. "Sssh. Stop crying babe. It's okay." He said. His voice sounded so fragile. I pulled him in for a kiss and put all my love for him into it. We only know each other for a few days, now, but it felt like years. I slowly pulled back. "You may see yourself in final worth, but you're my little piece of heaven here on earth." He softly sang to me. I put my arms around him and buried my face in his chest. I let out a deep breath and it felt like all my insecurities and worries were fading away. I looked into his eyes, again. "Danny, we know each other for only a few days, now, but you're special, you know that? You see the brightness in the dark. You see the perfect in my imperfections. I'm so lucky that I've found you. My life isn't the easiest and I am messed up inside, but you can see through that thick layer of negativity. I love you so, so much. I'm able to let the past behind me and start to live in the moment." I said. Our foreheads were touching. I didn't even know I was able to talk about the shit that has happened in my life. I was broken but he is fixing me. I know this sounds cliché but Danny really is the missing piece of the puzzle. I love him and I look forward to our future together.

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