Chapter 2: Into The Unknown

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Thirty minutes later the cab I called arrived, ready to take me to the club I work in. I was never much of a talker, unless I was forced into a situation where I had to talk, or to defend myself. The cab driver tried to strike up a conversation a few times, but I'm guessing that my brief one-worded answers gave him the hint that I'm not exactly in the mood. I'd much rather not take a taxi to travel long distances, but I'm still saving up for a car. Buying an apartment for Elena and I was my priority, we hadn't had a roof over our heads in so long and a place to live was much more important than having a car.

I lean my elbow up against the door while my hand cups my face and my eyes remain glued to the busy and bustling atmosphere of New York City. Cars honking, people running from every possible corner, a rainbow of colours contrasting with the darkness of the evening, and billboards and ads adding emphasis to the jungle of buildings that only make you wish to be one of the models that occupy them, to be someone else. To have a different life, one opposite to the life you have been forced to life from the moment you were introduced to the world.

The taxi driver's voice suddenly interrupts my thoughts, and I can't help but have silent gratitude. I need to get out of my mind, even if it's just for a little while.

"Here we are, The Dragon's Den club," he says in his typical New-Yorker accent. Judging by the slight wrinkles on his forehead and his dark brown hair that begged to have its first grey streak, I'd say he was in his early forties. "That would be five dollars please," he adds while staring into the rear-view mirror to get a better look at me. He doesn't skip making a hand gesture that tells me he wants to feel the glory of a dollar note in his hand, as if he was holding a tray of drinks, just like I have constantly had to do since working in the club.

Reaching into my purse, I retrieve a five dollar note- not failing to notice how empty my purse looks- and put it in his hand. He immediately closes his hand into a fist and desperately stuffs it into his pocket. Jeez. It's not like I was going to steal it out of your hand after just handing it to you. Looks like I'm not the only one around here struggling at the moment.

"Thanks for the ride," I finally say before stepping out of the cab and into the cool air of the city. Just in front of me, the words 'The Dragon's Den' appear in clear font and bright purple lighting.

Here we go again.....this is what happens when you can't afford to get an education.

Inside, I quickly enter the locker room where I change into the club uniform. I hate it. I hated it since the moment I first saw it. Women wear nothing but a tight, short skirt which is paired with another tightly-fitted crop top and some shiny, black-leather heels to give the full effect. The whole thing makes the we-profit-off-women's-bodies thing way too obvious, along with the fact that 99.9% of the employees here are women. But I put up with it for the sake of keeping a job.


"Scar!" A voice shouts, causing me to jump from the unexpected intrusion of me filling up glasses with alcohol of all kinds. "We should really try to get our shift times changed, I felt like I was waiting here for you to come for centuries."

My breathing slows as I turn around to see the warm smile of Elena once again. I don't know how she did it, but she always managed to scare the shit out of me every time she tried. Usually I'm always on my guard, observant and ready for a fight, but then again, I'm also usually lost in my own thoughts. No matter how many times I told her to stop sneaking up on me like that, she refused, it was one of her many forms of humour.

"I'm guessing there's no point in telling you to stop trying to scare me at this point..." I point out. A slight smirk appears on her face from the sweet taste of victory before quickly transforming into an amused chuckle.

"You know me so well, Scar," she teases with a bright smile on her face. I did know her well. We knew each other well, better than anyone else in the world. Eighteen years of time constantly spent together will do that to you.

"I hate to cut this short but I have a table to serve right now, and I've already kept them waiting for long enough." It is then that I notice the tray of drinks in her hand, all ranging from cocktails to whiskey.

"I'll see you later then, I'll also have some tables to serve soon anyway," I predict. Here we barely got any free time to chat, it was constantly orders after orders and rushing around the club to navigate the certain table we had to serve. Our breaks weren't at the same times either, so while one of us was on break, the other was working.

"Pray for me," she jokes while rolling her eyes and walking in the direction of the table she needed to serve. Reciprocating her annoyance, I give her one final sarcastic smile before she disappears into the blinding multi-coloured lights and blasting music of the club.

"Scarlett, can I ask you for a favour?" A voice appearing behind me questions. Great. Can't I have a break for even a second? The only person on this earth I enjoy socialising with is Elena, and this is definitely not her voice.

When I turn around I see James looking at me with eyes that hint he wants something. James also works here, often during my shift. He's probably the only male employee here and I don't even know how he got the job since he is indeed, a man. But I heard that he is a cousin of the owner, so my guess is that the owner hired him as a favour, or because he had to since they're related to each other.

"What's the favour?" I ask. I didn't actually want to know what it was, I didn't feel like doing any extra favours today, but I wouldn't show it. James wasn't a bad guy and in my time working here, we've been friendly.

"I was wondering if you could cover my shift for today? I have somewhere to be right now...well specifically a date, and I really don't want to miss it. Me and this guy I met a couple days ago really hit it off," he explains nervously. I can see a hint of guilt in his eyes, but I can also see his desperation for me to agree. And no matter how much of a bitch I could be sometimes, I wasn't heartless- it was more just me and my own past issues, so I wasn't going to decline.

"Sure, I'll cover for you. Good luck on your date, I hope it goes well," I say confidently, making sure to raise my head so that he won't notice any sense of hesitance or dread, it wasn't in my plans to make this guy feel any more guilty than he already did.

"I'm supposed to bring these drinks to the VIP room right now but I won't have enough time to do it if I wanna make it to my date on time, so you'll have to do it. Is that okay with you?"

The VIP room...I've never actually been there before, I've just heard the stories. Most of which weren't exactly positive, so I've tried to avoid having the job to go in there, that is until now. Only the rich, powerful and privileged spend their time in that room, unlike myself. Even though uncertainty clouded my thoughts, I wasn't going to back out now and appear as vunerable, weak or afraid. I wasn't that kind of girl, not anymore.

"I'm on it," I nod in agreement while picking up the heavy tray of drinks on the table, his eyes lighting up as I said those words.

"Thanks you so much! I really appreciate it. I'll make it up to you, I promise!" He graciously thanks while clasping his hand together excitedly. I didn't even have time to say anything else before he rushed out of the club with a joyful spring in his step. Wow...he really wants to go on this date. I hope that for his sake it goes well, because if it doesn't, I'm sure his heart is going to break into a million pieces.


After carefully walking up a spiral staircase consisting of clear glass steps which led to the second floor, I find myself in front of the door that separates the V.I.P. room from the bustling atmosphere of the night club. I can't help the nerves from creeping up and down my spine as I reach my hand forward to push the door open....God I'm so pathetic. No matter how hard I try, the old me keeps trying to push her way to the surface in order to take complete control over me, but not today, not ever. I quickly take deep breath until I feel completely indifferent to this whole situation, until I can feel my old self being pushed so deep and far down that I can barely notice her anymore. This isn't a big deal.

I muster up enough strength to turn the handle on the door to catch my first glimpse of the one room I have never been in before,

And I walk in....

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