Chapter 3: the patron saints of liars and fakes

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we all met up at my house to work on our math project but as expected we never did any actual work. We spread the posters all over my bedroom floor, markers everywhere and sheets and sheets of research paper. As I was about to cut and glue my papers onto the poster Deena got a text, she stood up and asked if we all wanted to go to a party, everyone really wanted to go so I unwillingly said yes after they guys begged me a few times.

I told my mom that we needed more supplies for our project and that we are going to go and continue at Deena’s house. My mom surprisingly was okay with that. It was really easy to lie to my mom I just avoid doing it often. I have a theory, that the more I lie the less effective it is, so I lie only when I really need too. Deena already had her drivers license, so we all hopped into her car which was parked outside our driveway. Claude sat next to her shot gun while me and Austin Sat in the back. I wonder why he choose to sit there when he could sit next to me, hmm? They kept staring at each other briefly between stops, it kind of annoyed me, could this be jealousy? I never thought a human being could ever feel jealous of Deena, but I guess I was. I tried to shake the feeling off, after all it was only a look, it could mean anything and if there happened to be something going on Claude would have told me anyways.

We finally arrived at the party after what felt like centuries. We entered the house and I scanned the room for anyone I might know, quite a few people from school. It was only 6 and already there was generic pop music playing and teenagers on the floor drunk. I wasn’t a heavy drinker but I enjoyed watching others drink. Usually my role at a party is to inform everyone the next day of what drunken thing they did at the party. Claude was dancing around Deena in an awkward manner when she grabbed him and motioned for me to come, she walked us down to the basement where a bunch of stoner kids where about to start a game of truth or dare. We all joined in, Deena, Claude, Austin and I. It was a fun game, it was mostly gearing towards valentines day as everyone asked each other to be their valentine or boyfriend or girlfriend, it was cute but so expected each time. I was kind of hoping that it would point at me or Claude next, I guess I could ask him to be my valentine, he’d understand its as bestfriends, the others wouldn’t so much. I was awoken from my train of thought when everyone called my name. “I repeat, truth or dare” Austin said to me, the whole time his eyes on me. “eh dare” I frantically said then realized that I should have picked truth for my first time, just to taste the waters. “I was hoping you’d be brave enough for a dare” he whispered seductively which made everyone crack up, he ignored us and dared “kiss me, yeah yeah the cliché but kiss me, Maybelline” I was going to dread this but as everyone chanted my name “maybe, maybe, maybe” I kissed him. The game continued and thankful it wasn’t my turn for a while. It was Claude’s turn, he picked truth and some pixie read haired girl asked him to point at the prettiest girl in the room and I noticed something, I think he was drunk but he managed to reply “Alexis Noel, darn you…” he said, wait what? Alexis Noel? My half sister? Did she know throughout the whole game that I was her half sister? Maybe she was unaware this whole time like I was, I was starting to get nervous, so I stood up and told the person next to me that I wanted to get a drink as I stood up Claude pointed at me and murmured “Well Maybe is the prettiest I’ve ever seen” I turned around and blushed and before I knew it Deena slapped him “fuck you, we’re over. I knew you liked her” what an eventful night, everything makes sense though because they are dating. They are dating and I don’t even know. “baby, I don’t, no not like her baby come back”.

I made it home safely with the help of the public bus and cried myself to sleep.

Went to school the next day to only have Deena tell me that it was all a miscommunication and they are back together, and this time for everyone to see. Oh boy.

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