Chapter 03: Restoration

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Walking through the once engaged battlefield, I reached where the Dicathian troops were taking their shelter. Seeing my people again filled me with happiness and sorrow at the same time. I have left them for too long and many lives also have been sacrificed during this phase.

Soon familiar figures started to come into my view, Lances like Varay, Aya. Mica, Barion were busy organizing the aftermath of the war. While healers were busy seeing Sylvie doing their work as a street performer.

As people felt my presence they put their guard up, I was sad seeing this reaction from the people around me but I can't blame them, It was the most obvious thing to do with a person capable of destroying the army of thousands with a flick of his finger.

Soon the Lances walked up to me, It was good to see that they were alive even after facing a scythe.

"Commander Virion wants to meet with you," Barion said to me but this time it was more of a request than an order.

I merely nodded to his request and followed after them to a large camp.

Entering the camp I recognized the familiar face there. I guessed that this was the new council. I tried to contact Sylvie to ask her where she was.

To which she replied with "Coming" and soon after that, she appeared behind me using the burst step.

"So, Have you explained to them Everything?" I asked her

"Do you think that you will be called like this if they knew who you were? "

"No. I have just talked with them, enough to make them believe that we are not their enemy"

"Well then, let's get over with it ."

I walked up to the table thinking of a way to explain everything, which isn't awkward for any of us, at least that was my plan before sensed someone coming from my behind. I instinctively took it as an enemy and conjured an Aether sword. As I turned to face who it was I saw Ellie running towards me, her breathe raged. As soon as she reached me she embraced me in a hug and started crying. I patted her head gently, trying to calm her.

Everyone was shocked seeing the following, even more than when I exterminated the army, everyone having a look of confusion on their face.

Soon Virion shot up from his seat, his eyes wide open. With the look he had, I was sure that he has guessed who I was or at least has a hunch.

A smile formed on my face as soon as a familiar figure entered the tent, My mother has changed so much since the last time I saw her. Now, she had a look of a person ready to embrace death at a moment notice.

With every step she took my mind started to fill with flashbacks of our time as a simple-ordinary family, first in Ashber then on Xyrus city.

My mother then stopped before me, and then she slapped me.

The slap was so hard that if it was a normal human without any mana then he would have fainted at the same spot.

My mother then wrapped in her embrace and started to cry. Everyone around us was now even more confused as the following event unfolded.

I let my mother and sister cry for some time as I returned their hug. I glanced to my side only to see Sylvie holding a large bear by his ear, scolding her to stay still.

After a few minutes of crying, my mother and sister calmed down.

"I am back, mom el..." and with that, I received a mana reinforced punch from my dear sister straight into my gut which sent me crashing through the ground to the end of the tent.

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