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Dipper and Mabel were playing Conflict Boat as it rained outside. Andie was laying across Mabel's bed watching them with little interest.

"I'm gonna say...B5," Dipper guessed.

"Miss!" Mabel said, completing a picture of a cat on her board. "Whop!"

"I don't think you're playing this right," her brother said.

"UGH!" Andie groaned, pulling at her eyelids. "You guys have been playing that game for literally three hours, and all Mabel's been doing is making a picture of a cat out of pegs!"

Dipper peeked over Mabel's board and gasped. "So THAT'S why I never win!" he realized.

"KIDS! COME QUICK!" Stan shouted from downstairs.

Dipper, Mabel, and Andie ran downstairs to find Stan just watching TV. "I need you three to laugh at this with me!" he exclaimed, gesturing to the television.

The screen showed Gideon playing a ukulele and singing. "Who's cute as a button and always your friend? Lil' G-I-D to the E-O-N! Wink!" he sung, winking at the camera.

"Ugh, Gideon!" Dipper groaned.

"Remember when I wouldn't date him and he tried to destroy us?" Mabel said, a look of pure discomfort on her face.

"Yeah, that kid's a creep," Andie agreed, nodding her head.

"He's always trying to trick me into losing the Mystery Shack," Stan explained.

"One time I caught him stealing my moisturizer," Wendy admitted.

"And yet, our mutual hatred for him bonds us together," Soos calmly stated.

They turned back to the TV, when the voice-over began to talk again.

"Come on down to Lil' Gideon's Tent of Telepathy, opening soon at this location."

As soon as the voice over finished, the screen showed the Mystery Shack being crushed to bits underneath the Tent of Telepathy.

"Oh, no," Andie said, her face going pale. If Gideon took over the Shack, she'd sure as heck be sent back to the orphanage, and that place was the worst.

"Uh, should we be worried about that?" Dipper asked.

"Please; the only way way Gideon's taking over this shack is by breaking in and stealing my deed," Stan replied, waving it off. However, their thoughts were interrupted by the sound of breaking glass from upstairs.

"You mean, like, right now?" Wendy asked.

The whole family walked into Stan's office to see Gideon with a visor on, trying to crack the combination to Stan's safe where the deed was kept. "38? 44? Oh, heavens to Betsy!" he muttered.

"GIDEON!" Stan yelled to which Gideon smirked.

"Well, well, Stanford, my arch-nemesis. We seem to have entered a dangerous game of cat and mouse," he countered. "But the question remains: who is the cat and WHO is the-!"

"Soos, broom," Stan said as Soos handed him the broom. 

"Oh, no, not the broom!" Gideon cried as Stan chased him with the broom, trying to sweep him away. Gideon hissed at him like a cat, and Stan proceeded to hit him twice with the broom. Gideon soon ran out of the shack and faced his nemesis.

"Mark my words Stanford! One day, I'm gonna get that combination. And once I steal that deed, you'll never see the Mystery Shack again!" he threatened. 

Stan laughed. "Good luck, bucko!" he taunted, slamming the door shut, leaving an angry Gideon outside in the pouring rain. 

Little did they know this was far from over between Gideon and the Pines family. As Gideon flipped through his journal, he found the page he was looking for.

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