Character Profile: Andie

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Full Name: Andrea Emma Wilson-Pines

Appearance: has messy, dark brown hair that reaches a little past her shoulders (usually worn in a small ponytail), brown eyes, and tan skin. Her usual outfit is a light blue T-shirt, black shorts, and gray-and-white sneakers.

Andie is:

The daughter of Olivia Pines & ? Wilson

The younger sister of Matthew and Logan Wilson-Pines

The older sister of Caleb and Benjamin Wilson-Pines

The granddaughter of Stanford "Ford" Pines

The great-niece of Stan and Shermie Pines

The cousin of Dipper and Mabel Pines

Personality: Andie is a shy and quiet girl, as is typical being raised since birth in an orphanage. However, despite being quiet on the surface, she is revealed to be a total tomboy once she opens up. She is able to hold her ground in a fight, and gets angry when anybody threatens her or her family.


-Armed/unarmed hand-to-hand combat: due to growing up with four brothers, Andie is adept at standing her ground in a fight, having learned various skills and techniques in the art of combat. She is a blue belt in karate.

-Intelligence: while not being a child prodigy like her grandfather, Andie is shown to have an unusually high IQ like her cousin Dipper. This might have been due to her oldest brother, Matthew, leaving his calculus homework out for a ten-year-old Andie to find. When he came back, the worksheets were completed, and, as stated by his teacher, correct and "beyond any mark of intelligence he'd seen in the class".

Fun Facts:

-Andie is the middle child of her family, having two older brothers and two younger brothers.

-Andie remembers her mother's voice and appearance a little, but she never met her father.

-Andie has an IQ of 130.

-Andie holds onto a lullaby that her mother used to sing to her as a baby in hopes that she'll come back for her one day. Unknown to her, this was also the lullaby that Ford used to sing to Olivia (Ford's daughter) before he got trapped in another dimension.

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