A Tale of Two Stans

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(Andie's POV)

There in front of us stood a strange man decked out in black clothing...who Stan called his brother. Could it be...?

Before I could process any other thoughts, Stan spoke up. "Finally! After all these long years of waiting, you're actually here!" he exclaimed, opening his arms for a hug. "Brother!"

However, the author only gave Stan a punch to the face in return.

"What the heck was that for?!" Stan yelled, rubbing the side of his face.

"This was an insanely risky move, restarting the portal!" the author exploded. "Didn't you read my warnings?!"

"Warnings, shmarnings," Stan waved off. "How's about maybe a thanks for saving you from what appears to be, I don't know, some kind of sci-fi sideburn dimension?" I held in a giggle.

This only aggravated the author. "Thank you? You really think I'm gonna thank you after what you DID 30 YEARS AGO?!"

Aaannnd then the two brothers began to fight. Great, but nothing I hadn't seen before. I stuck my fingers in my mouth and blew out a whistle.

"CUT IT OUT!" I yelled, a little agitated myself. "YOU TWO ARE GROWN MEN! FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE, ACT LIKE IT!"

Stan and the author stopped mid-fight to stare at me. I guess Stan was staring because I'd never yelled before and the other man...just looked me up and down in shock. The author cleared his throat and adjusted his glasses.

"Stan, you didn't tell me there were children down here. And some kind of large, hairless gopher?" he asked, gesturing to Soos.

Soos laughed. "I get that a lot!"

Stan got up, brushing himself off. "They're your family, Poindexter," he explained, pointing to Mabel and Dipper. "Shermie's grandkids."

The author's eyebrows raised in fascination. "I-I have two nieces and a nephew?"

Uhhh....I scratched the back of my head, looking to Stan for help.

How was I supposed to tell him?

Before I could say anything, Stan's brother was kneeling down to shake Mabel's hand. "Greetings. Do kids still say greetings? I haven't been in this dimension for a really long time."

Mabel commented happily about his six-fingered handshake, making me subconsciously hug my right hand endowed with my birthmark to my side. Six fingers...was that...?

I quickly hid behind Stan, gripping onto his pant leg, something that obviously seemed to worry him.

He gave me a look that said, "Do you want me to tell him?" I nodded.

Stan ran a hand down his face. "Uh, Sixer? Do you remember Olivia?"

The six-fingered man's eyes glistened over. "Yes...Do you know where she is?"

"No, but...I managed to find her kid," Stan answered, lightly pushing me towards his twin.

I timidly waved. "H-hi, I'm, uh, Olivia Pines' daughter. Are you-?"

I was cut off by the man ruffling my hair. "Should've known; you have your mother's eyes," he said.

He shook himself out of his thoughts. "There will be time for introductions later. But, first, tell me, Stan; are there any security breaches? Does anyone else know about this portal?"

"No, just us," Stan dismissed with a wave of his hand. "Also maybe the entire U.S. government."

"The WHAT?!" Stan's brother tried to compose himself. "Okay, it's alright. We've got a while before they find this room. We just need to lay low and think of a plan."

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