Chapter Three: White Rabbit

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Back in the future of Heaven, Sam stopped telling his story when the door at the main entrance of the house opens and closes. It perks Bobby to get up from a chair he had brought into the library. He sits his plate with a half eaten hamburger on it on the desk and walks out of the room. Sam watches him and briskly turns his attention back to Dean. His brother is speechless from everything he learned so far. His daughter? Possessed by a demon? It was bad like Sam said it would be. They can hear Bobby distinctly greet people at the door.

Sam recognizes the persons' voices and he too stands from where he sat and joins the crowd outside the room. There he meets familiar faces staring back at him with the same content look. "Mom, dad."

"Hello, son," John and Mary Winchester smile with their arms wide.

Dean makes his way outside of the room too, his hands in his pockets leaning on the door frame. He had so many questions already about his daughter. He thought it rude to interrupt Sam right now for those questions. He simply watches his brother reunite with their parents smiling.

It was a blissful reunion after Sam caught his parents up on the life he lived. "It's great to have all of you boys here," Mary said, her face radiant and happy. Dean smiles at his mom remembering a time when they were all alive and he'd been four, his mother would smile like that a lot at him and at Sam when he was in his crib. The good times before everything went to hell.

Sam walks out of the house with his father John. They look up toward the night sky together. It's a spectacle Sam is still getting used to. Everything looked to be moving faster than they were back on earth.

"It's because Heaven moves faster than the earth," John explains. "That's why the time here and there are different."

Sam didn't glance away from the stars. In seconds they were on one end and gone the next after a few seconds. "That'd explain what Dean said about being here for only a year."

John pats Sam's back gently and gazes at his son. "I am happy that you were able to live a long life. Especially one you've dreamed of having."

"For a long time, I've always thought I let you down. It was worse after you died and the way I treated you that day and w-," Sam admits and was cut off.

"No Sam. I'm very proud of you. I never expected you and Dean to live the life you both did for as long as you had. I regretted it for a long time too. I should've never brought you boys on the road with me to begin with."

"Well," Sam thinks up of a few scenarios he can remember during their hunts and the hunts when it was only him and Dean. "Dean and I had to face a few otherworldly challenges that seemed were meant to happen because of destiny, so it wouldn't have mattered anyway." Sam shrugs and forces a smile at his father.

John winces and looks up at the sky again and notices something, he points up with his finger. "Over there, Sam."

Sam sees something at what he thought is a piece of another country passing through like the stars in the sky. "What is that?"

"Heaven has a few loopholes to get to one place and another quicker compared to driving. If we can make it there in time, we can find out what it is."

Sam willing to go out on a limb as this fascinated him, he follows John back to his house, which is the same house from his and Dean's childhood. They get into a pickup truck and haul it toward the moving land.

Three days have went by since Sam left with John, but it felt longer than a week to Dean. Sam's absence was making him angry. He went to see Bobby to rant about it. Bobby would keep reminding Dean that they will be back soon. "When Sam gets back, he will give you more information. Sam needs to find out more about Heaven, he's still new at this."

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