Vol.1, 01: The Serious of Drawing

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1: The Serious of Drawing
+ half chapter 2.. (- -);

It was a windy day out in a rise, Y/n was sleeping on the bench with his sketchbook on his face. But some person came to him and put an arm on his shoulder. Waking him up, it was Mori.

[ "Y/n-kun.. You need to wake up, or else you'll be late for your class. You shouldn't even be out here dangerously." ], she said worriedly.

He opened his eyes gently, grabbing the sketchbook that is ontop of his face and slowly raising up his body to his sit position.

Yawning while asking if the class has started which Mori gave a gestured of a 'No' by shooking her head and told him that class will start soon.

[ "Did you stay up all night drawing again? I told you that you don't need to endanger your body health for art.." ], Mori said worriedly again. Y/n answered shockingly and honesty at the end since he couldn't lie to infront of his respected senior,

[ "Ah. How did you know!? Uh.. I am sorry. I just wanted to get better in art but I am in no where progress good as you and others.." ]. Mori sighs and spoke back to him,

[ "Y/n-kun.. No need to worry in apologizing! You are really, really good at art that you just don't realize it! So please don't overwork yourself anymore!" ].


Y/n couldn't believe what his senior says, but smiled gently knewing that Mori was trying her best to comfort him into not damaging his health.

He thanked Mori for it and waved goodbye at her, receiving back a wave from her and walked away.

[ Well.. I don't think he will still realize his art is good compared to others but he won't damage his health anymore, right? ], Mori said in her mind while still walking with a small anxious smile.


Y/n sighs, haven't thought of any themes in mind yet. He was planning to ask Ms. Saeki for some after class but got some other stuff he needs to do after his club.

When he was in the class, he slept through the whole lesson without even being called. What a teacher. Many were sweatdropping glaring at Y/n, there was people staring at his handsome-look and some looked at him with disgust.

After the class, Y/n quickly went to the staff teacher's room to talk to Ms. Saeki a bit. Got no other choice than wasting time on other plans after school.

Ms. Saeki glanced up and noticed Y/n, she smiled.

[ "Oh, L/n-san. What can I do for you?" ], Y/n let a deep breath out before speaking to Saeki.

[ "...I am here to ask some art themes, it's just...I couldn't think of anything..." ], he asked with a shy-nervous tone. Saeki answered him while pulling a paper to write,

[ "Hehe, no worries L/n-san. Here, I have wroted 5 themes for you. Looks interesting, doesn't it?" ].

Some does piqued Y/n's interest, he bowed to his art teacher to thank her for it. He excitedly exit the room while thinking about the themes that Ms. Saeki had put in, but got bumped into someone on the way.

[ "Hey, watch where your going." ], a blonde-haired pierced delinquent looking guy said. Y/n's face was horrified and he then quickly bowed to him, apologizing to him many times and hurriedly continues walking in speed with a still terrified-expression.

[ "What's with that guy?" ], one of his friends said and laughed with the others. The blonde-haired guy was surprise and confused by the person's act infront of him, [ Isn't he that sleepy guy? ] said the blonde-haired guy in his thoughts.

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